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DVD Review: Truth or Die

by Chris Learned Kane, Reporter

Ever been on a roller coaster that had a particularly long lift hill?  One that just ratchets away for what seems like an inordinate amount of time, pulling you at a glacial pace to the top of that first hill, and your nerves begin to sing with the anticipation and tension…and then, at long last the brakes let go, and down you plummet, gravity once again proving itself a harsh mistress!   Yeah, Truth or Die is a bit like that!  And like the rollercoaster ride, you can often see the twists and turns coming, but it’s no less fun for that.

A group of wealthy party-animal college kids blow it out at an end of term soiree where they indulge in the usual: a little coke, a little alcohol, a little nitrous, a little tomfoolery, a little game of truth or dare, a little derision and physical abuse of their “creepy” pal all of which culminate in a twisty revenge film that’s a little bit Saw and a little bit Hostel!


A deadly game of spin the bottle.

The Good

Gore: it’s really difficult to say that mutilation and goriness can be tastefully done, as the very nature of gore is to be over-the-top and visceral, but along with a truly horrifying and original way of doing someone in, Truth or Die manages blood-n-guts with tact!

The Acting: Truth or Die’s real strength (and this is bizarre for a horror flick) is its cast.  Bravo to the lot of them!  Each and every actor turns in a nuanced, multidimensional performance…this says something as some have little more to emote with than their eyes!

Direction/DP: The film looks good, and the DP does a great job of setting up interesting angles and shots.

The (NOT SO) Bad

Story: If I were forced to write something under this category it would be the story, which is entertaining and doesn’t clank and clatter or cause distraction, but for all of that, the whole affair is a bit hard to swallow, comes off a bit contrived and has just a whiff of “plotting” about it.  To be fair though, the story is only registering a 1.5 on the bad meter (meter goes to 11).  The pacing is a bit slow, but for good reason (it’s climbing a particularly steep lift hill!)

Lack Of Extras: The DVD comes with a very short making of featurette.  No trailers, no deleted scenes, no gag reel.  I want more!

The Ugly

Nothing : It’s always nice to be able to write little or nothing under this category.

Special Features :

  • Making of “featurette”

Overall: This is a gem.  If you dig revenge films, torture films, or are a fan of the Bloody Disgusting Selects line, you’re gonna love this flick.  It’s got great acting, it’s got blood-n-guts, and a few twists (some seen…others not so much) and turns that leave your stomach churning.

Rating: ★★★½☆
ComicsOnline gives Truth or Die 3.5 acid filled jugs out of five!

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