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Comic Review: Bizarro #1



by Joe Iconic, Reporter

 Bizarro #1 is awesome fun. This light-hearted mini-series is perfect adding fun to your summer reading list. Think Tommy Boy meets The Incredibles. I highly recommend Bizarro #1 for the pull lists for fans of Harley Quinn, Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, and Ambush Bug.

Bizarro #1 is fun. Jimmy Olson and Bizarro take a road trip, bound for Canada, and take on a tree and a used car salesman in Smallville. There’s a beautiful girl from Smallville, undercover agents, some aliens, and, my personal favorite, a chupacabra named Colin. Heath Corson shifts his tone from his more serious work on Justice League: War, Batman: Assault on Arkham and Justice League: Throne of Atlantis to combine the focus on villains with superhero humor.


Heath Corson said in an interview that he wanted to bring back some of the humor of Justice League: International and Ambush Bug.  Many of us remember and cherish the fun, lighter moments of comics. True to Corson’s intent, Bizarro #1 provides a welcome break from darker storylines.

My concern before reading Bizarro #1 was Bizarro-speak. As fans of Spongebob Squarepants know well, too much “Opposite Day” can devolve to confusion really quickly. Using Jimmy Olson as the narrator and counterpoint to Bizarro is simple but brilliant solution.  For those fans who share their comics with a younger audience, this issue rates around just shy of a PG-13.

The art by Gustavo Duarte, Bill Sienkiewicz and Pete Pantazis is reminiscence from The Incredibles for the most part, but breaks into the sublime on the hang-on-the-wall worthy panelwork of Bizarro dreaming.

Bizarro _1 (2015) - Page 22

Bizarro #1 is a great start to the DCU branching out into humorous titles, and a welcome addition to the different choices of comics. Read Bizarro, and start petitioning DC Comics to bring back Stanley and His Monster. We need more fun comics like Bizarro!

Stanley and His Monster

Bottom line: if you are looking for summer fun, pick up Bizarro #1. Issue 1 is firing on all cylinders, and a great start to this six issue mini-series. Bizarro has a good heart and wants to be loved, and so does this series.

Rating: ★★★★★
ComicsOnline gives Bizarro #1 5 boo-rays out of 5 boo-rays.


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Joe is a husband, #girldad, and Orphan of Apollo. He has drawn critters since riding the bus in 5th grade, and they have appeared on notes to loved ones, graffiti in a Latin classroom (sorry Rev. Dr Clark!), training slides for work, a newsletter in Alaska, and notes to his wife Tracy, who encouraged him to share them with the world. Contains pop culture references, stuff from the news, but mostly bad dad jokes.