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Comic Book Review: The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country: The Glass House 3

Did you read Sandman? Did you read the recent Nightmare Country limited series? You may still need to catch up on a couple things before you read The Sandman Universe Nightmare Country The Glass House 3 this week. This series started a couple of short months ago and we’re already on Issue #3? Time to update you on Issues 1 and 2 real quick…

Event News: Wheatley, Hempel, Insight Team Head to Baltimore 2022

Redfield, Rouse, Gold, Hauman, and Thomases make for impressive line-up BALTIMORE, MARYLAND – September 19, 2022 Mark Wheatley and Marc Hempel, the creative dynamos who engineered the Vertigo hit Breathaker, created the pioneering Blood of the Innocent mini- series, and…

Book Review: The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing Comics: How to Create and Sell Comic Books, Manga, and Webcomics

by Emil Favila, Reporter We recently received The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing Comics: How to Create and Sell Comic Books, Manga, and Webcomics in the mail and wanted to check it out.  It’s not tough to figure out what the book is about…

Rampant Speculation! DC’s Master List

by Kim Filchak, Reporter Good afternoon everyone! Welcome back to Rampant Speculation your guide to the world of internet rumor mongering and my portal to the wonderful land of carpel tunnel syndrome! Enough my lamenting, let’s get to the good…