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Year: 2009

Blu-ray Review: Family Guy- Something, Something, Something, Darkside

 Family Guy returns to the Star Wars universe in their newest Direct to DVD/Blu-ray release: Family Guy- Something, Something, Something, Darkside. This latest installment parodies the events of Star Wars – Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, featuring Chris as Luke, Peter as Han, Lois as Leia, Stewie as Darth Vader and The Giant Chicken as Boba Fett. The rest of the Family Guy gang is around too making surprise apperances as other classic Star Wars characters. The jokes are nerdy as hell and any fan of Star Wars will love this new adventure!

Blu-ray and DVD Review: The Hangover

It seems that Judd Apatow will have to step aside as the king of comedy for a while.  Todd Philips is back with 2009’s best comedy The Hangover. Released back in June theatrically, this story of the day after the party is one of the best I’ve seen in a long time and its mixture of memorable characters and one-liners will have you watching this one over and over.  The Blu-ray or 2 disc DVD of this smash hit is one that fans will definitely want to add to their collection.