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Comics Events Interviews

Baltimore Comic-Con: Dave Gibbons Interview


by Mike Favila, Editor and Emil Favila, Reporter

Even if you’ve been living under a rock, (and that’s fine if that’s your thing), you’ve probably heard of a little comic called Watchmen.  His collaboration with Alan Moore is a high water point of the comic book medium, and its impact is still felt today in contemporary books and films.  Not one to rest on his laurels, Dave Gibbons is back with an awesome comics called The Secret Service.  It’s being adapted into an excellent movie directed by Matthew Vaughn (X-Men: First Class, Kick-Ass), starring Colin Firth.  When I heard he was coming to Baltimore Comic-Con, it seemed like a great time to check in and gleam what we could from the foot of the master.

Secret Service

ComicsOnline: I’m here with Dave Gibbons of Watchmen and the new Secret Service. How are you doing today sir?

Dave Gibbons: I’m doing pretty good, I just got just a bit voice left, so I should be able to get through the interview.

CO: I’ll make it quick (laughs). How do you feel about the new Secret Service movie coming out? I guess it’s called Kingsman right?

DG: I’m really thrilled about it. I saw a rough cut of it a few weeks ago.   And what Kick-Ass did for super heroes, this is what I think Secret Service is going to do for spies. It’s got a lot of action, a lot of violence, and a lot of humor, so I think you’ll enjoy it.

CO: I loved the comics. I’m really excited about the movie as well. Now..did you read any of the Before Watchmen stuff by any chance?

DG: No, I didn’t, no.

CO:  And, do you have any opinion on it?

DG: Nope.

CO: Not going to. That’s good. That’s fair.  Now did you get involved with Mark Millar?

DG: Oh, I’ve known Mark for quite a while now. He actually wrote me a fan letter when he was about 16 years old. And I apparently wrote him back quite a gracious letter and and did him a sketch. But I’ve seen his work grow. I can remember when he was doing Adventures of Superman, and really when he did The Ultimates with Bryan Hitch, I used to haunt my local comic store just like I did when I was a kid, like “Is the new Ultimates in?” So I really wanted to work with him. Yeah, so we were able to do something that was a lot of fun.

CO: Very cool.  What are you working on after Secret Service? Do you have any projects in the pipeline you’re interested in?

DG: Umm. There’s no particular comic books I’m working on. But I’m doing a little work as a consultant for a company called Madefire. You can download their app on your tablet device and you can read digital comics which you got.  They do a thing called motion books, which is much better than motion comics.

CO: I’m gonna have to check that out.

DG: And I’m working with another company called Magic Leap, we’ve got got some really interesting technology there. And I’m also trying to put together an autobiography, cause you know, I’ve had a fairly long career.  I’ve been involved in some well known things with some very well known people.  And I think it could be an interesting read.


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I'm a Senior Editor at When I'm not here writing my opinions on entertaining things, I'm making electronic music with my band Atoms Apart.