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Gear Review: CM Storm Ceres 500 Gaming Headset

1 Ceres 500 Front Back

by Jayden Leggett, Editor

Breaking headline: good quality gaming headsets don’t have to send you broke, as the CM Storm Ceres 500 Gaming Headset proves that quality can exist on a budget! Intrigued? I thought you might be, so read on, dear geekling, and see why the Ceres 500 could be just the ticket for your cheap-skate self.

Alright, time to get serious now. My initial impressions on first unboxing were that of pleasant surprise. The main body of the headset features a collapsible design, meaning that the ear cups can be folded up inside the adjustable-length headband. Coupled with a detachable microphone, these features allow for compact and protected transportability, an unexpected yet welcome surprise. The super-lengthy audio cord is well over 2.5 metres long, meaning that you can easily use the Ceres 500 with your PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 whilst maintaining a comfortable distance from the television.

In terms of connectivity, the Ceres 500 has quite a few different connection types. PC gamers get to enjoy the easiest setup, as simply plugging in only the USB connector is all that is required to fully use this device. I didn’t even need to download any drivers when I connected it to my Windows 7 PC (which is great because I am super lazy). PlayStation 3 users will need to connect the USB microphone in conjunction with the red and white audio leads, whilst Xbox 360 gamers will additionally need to connect the 2.5mm microphone cable to their controller, as the USB acts as the power source for this setup.

2 Ceres 500 Compact

All up, I found the design of the CM Storm Ceres 500 to be great overall. Admittedly getting this baby all hooked up to your console can at first be a mildly irritating process, but the headset itself is built exceptionally well, as the padded headband and large ear cups that feature incredibly soft insulation make for an immensely comfortable wear. During some of my lengthier gaming sessions I would be wearing this bad boy for hours on end without any discomfort whatsoever. Hell, I even forgot I was wearing it half of the time, which is exactly how it should be.

As should be expected with any respectable gaming headset, using the CM Storm Ceres 500 truly does enhance a gamer’s experience. Music and ambience that previously contained subtle noises too quiet for me to be able to notice are now brought to life inside my ears, boosting the overall soundscape dramatically and allowing me to soak in the total atmosphere. This is a feature that I have always loved when it comes to gaming headsets, and the Ceres 500 is no exception.

Another audio feature that works extremely well is the perfect use of stereo and sound placement. Running past a fountain results in the sound of flowing water beautifully traveling from my left ear across to my right, which might sound trivial, but effects like this truly help to make you feel more immersed in the game world. In fact, this feature actually boosted my gaming performance, as I was able to use the headset to help me pinpoint the direction and location that particular audio clues are coming from, like the hidden lost souls in DMC. Essentially, using the Ceres 500 allowed me to achieve better results with my gameplay. How awesome is that?

3 Ceres 500 Leads

In terms of the quality of the sound itself, the Ceres 500 performs incredibly well. Sound effects, music and voice overs all sound solid and full bodied. Loud, low-end noises like explosions and gunfire are all satisfyingly meaty and booming, while high-pitched sounds like sword slices are incredibly sharp and slick, without being so intense as to irritate the ears, even when on full volume. Similar to other headsets that I have reviewed previously, the Ceres 500 is geared more towards the low-end of the sound scale, so as a result voices and other effects tend to have more bass to them than what I would typically be used to, however I am sure that most gamers prefer the loud rumble of a sub-woofer as opposed to shrill high-pitched shrieks. If however you are one of those people who prefers an even all-round mix of bass and treble, you may find that this device is just a tad on the deep side for your liking. Worthy of note: lovers of industrial metal, dubstep or hardcore techno should definitely give this baby a try.

During my entire play test, the only real issue I could find with this headset was during times when the sound effects from my game were a total simultaneous barrage of explosions, gunfire, debris, battle cries and so on, which would result in the sounds become slightly messy and indistinguishable through the headset. It should be noted however these instances were incredibly rare, and even during these epic times of chaos, I didn’t once have to turn the volume down.

Is the CM Storm Ceres 500 the best gaming headset I have ever used? Not quite. Does it pose exceptional value for money? Heck yes it does! At a price point of $59 US at, purchasing one of these little guys would be money well spent. Buyer’s remorse, be gone!

4 Ceress 500 Sides

Rating: ★★★★☆

ComicsOnline gives the CM Storm Ceres 500 Gaming Headset 4 out of 5 well-priced stars.

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Audio visual multimedia extraordinaire (at least in his own mind), Aussie Dave dragged Jayden into this glorious den of geek pop culture, and it's gonna take more than what you can offer to drag him away. Unless you bribe him with Ninja Turtles related merchandise... then all bets are off.