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Movie Review: Avengers: Endgame (Spoiler Free)

by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor

Fear not true believers, because Avengers: Endgame, the epic conclusion to Marvel’s 22 film “Infinity Saga” has finally arrived! Having failed at stopping Thanos from wiping out 50% of the living creatures in the universe (note: I still think “The Snapture” would have been a better name for Thanos’ actions), the surviving heroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are rightfully devastated. Is it even possible to bring everyone back, and if so, what will be the cost? The answer is…”whatever it takes”.

Proceed without fear, there are no spoilers in this review.

Avengers: Endgame isn’t just another movie…it’s a more of an experience. Without going into any spoiler level discussion, it is the final piece in a larger tapestry, leading to a satisfying ending for this specific iteration of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. The original six Avengers (Cap, Iron Man, Hulk, Hawkeye, Thor, and Black Widow) take center stage for this last ditch effort, and with the support of Rocket, Nebula, War Machine and Ant-Man, the team takes a final stand to bring back everyone they lost. 

Avengers: Endgame is a love letter to all of the films that came before it, acknowledging the legacy of the characters and their respective histories. The Russo Brothers tackle some of the most iconic pieces of the MCU, while avoiding becoming a glorified “Greatest Hits.” If you decided to go back and rewatch all of the MCU films prior to this release, your dedication will be rewarded. The film is overloaded with fan-service, and you will surely be riding the edge of your seat for the three hour endeavor (the cameos are amazing). I personally loved the payoff for the easter eggs scattered throughout the MCU films, and the final act solidifies this as the most epic superhero battle to date.

With that being said, Endgame is not a perfect story. Certain scenes lingered for an unnecessarily long time (we will call them Act 2 “family moments”), and I felt that the time could have been better spent elsewhere with characters who had less screen time. Certain characters who Marvel promoted in the marketing material barely spend any time on screen. These items are not deal breakers by any means and were minor in regards to my personal enjoyment, but other ComicsOnline writers did feel differently so your experience may vary. With the length of time allocated to this release, one would have hoped that the in-story justification for having/not having specific people involved could have been a bit more fleshed out.

More than anything, I genuinely can’t wait to discuss this movie with my friends, my family, and pretty much anyone who is interested in talking about it after they’ve experienced it for themselves. A warning: until you have seen the film, avoid social media. Don’t read spoilers. Go enjoy this for yourself. It will be a three hour emotional roller coaster, but just know that the characters we have learned to love over the last twelve years receive the perfect ending to their odyssey. 

Rating: [4.5/5]
ComicsOnline gives Avengers: Endgame 4.5 out of 5 perfect endings.

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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.