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Comics Reviews

Comic Book Review: Haunt You to the End #1

by Joe Schickman, Reporter

Official Description:


In a not-so-far future rife with climate disasters and worldwide instability, an eccentric billionaire and his crew – a disgraced journalist, a radical doctor, a TV demonologist, and a squad of hard-bitten military contractors – set out to prove the existence of life after death. But even if their mission is a success, the truth behind the “most haunted place on earth” may not be the comforting revelation the world is hoping for.

Image provided by Image Comics & Top Cow Productions.

Creative Team: 
Writer: Ryan Cady
Artist: Andrea Mutti
Letterer: Frank Cvetkovic

The world has been transformed into a wasteland, with cars left to rot mid highway, local establishments long since abandoned in shambles, and the atmosphere so toxic, protective suits are required. From a cameraman’s point of view we follow Collum Shah in his head-to-toe hazard suit coverings, preparing to take Price’s Hollywood star as a souvenir. Next they descend down into an ominous hotel where a mysterious priest is waiting. As we follow down and to “the only door left that still closes,” we hear that this hotel used to be called “the most haunted place in Los Angeles.” Upon reaching the last closing door, it opens to reveal a pale face with haunted black eyes, followed by the sounds of screams.

We cut to Matt Park enjoying Collum Shah’s collection, including the Vincent Prince star. Matt doesn’t believe in ghosts and has been an historic detractor of Shah’s activities. But Shah wants to offer Matt a job, and in so doing, make a convert out of him, which will in turn convince others of Shah’s authenticity and of the ghosts’ reality. After running through the pros and cons, Matt’s curiosity, disbelief in ghosts, and waning’s bank account convince him to accept the job.

Matt meets Doctor Maddison O’Connell, Security Chief Suzanne Gershwinn, and the rest of the crew Shah has recruited, and under the strictures of their NDA, they get debriefed on their mission. They are to head to a mysterious island, Isla Lodo, which Shah contends holds the evidence  to prove his beliefs. But the island has a past so disturbing that the Rassmussen Fuel Conglomerate who owns it has kept its violent history secret for over a century. Complicating their mission, within a week the island will no longer exist due to disastrous weather conditions approaching. Determined to complete their mission, and equipped with wireless 360 degree camera and mic hook-ups, the crew sets off in good spirits, but it is not long before misfortune afflicts their group. Just bad luck, or portents of the calamity to come?

Writer Ryan Cady sets the stage with many of the familiar ghost-story set-pieces (a mysterious island, a wealthy true believer recruiting a team with a dissenter to convert, a post-apocalyptic backdrop, etc.), but gives them enough room to breathe and grow in unique directions promising a novel twist on an old favorite. The characters start off general enough to be universally relatable, while enigmatic enough to hint at far more to unfold, and the setting, though similarly generic as a jumping off point, holds myriad opportunities to develop in distinctive and fascinating ways. The following issues will truly prove the pudding, though.

The style of artist Andrea Mutti combines hard lines and deep shadows with washed details and limited colors, alluding to a photo-realistic memory that has faded and chipped away with time. The panel pacing infused with this haunting visual aesthetic produces a perfect perspective to wonder what is real, and makes the reader question their own reliability as an eye-witness.  

I greatly enjoyed the first installment of Haunt You to the End from Image Comics & Top Cow Productions. I look forward to the next revelation in the mystery behind Isla Lodo, Shah’s mission, and what his crew will face when they finally arrive at the Rassmussen Mansion, the epicenter of the island’s otherworldly occurrences.

Rating: ★★★½☆
ComicsOnline gives Haunt You to the End #1 – 3.5/5 skulls.

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