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Comics Reviews

Comic Book Review: The Vampire Slayer #15

by Christal Kennedy, Reporter

Official Description:
In the continuing adventures of Buffy’s returned Slayer status, Willow and Xander find themselves caught in a snare-somewhere between snack and sacrifice! With the gang gearing up for a rescue, it’s not long before Drusilla also puts Faith and Buffy in danger with unexpected help…

Creative Team:
Writer: Sarah Gailey
Artists: Kath Lobo & Roberta Ingranata
Main Cover: Skylar Patridge
Colorists: Valentina Pinto & Riccardo Giardina
Lettering: Ed Dukeshire

Image provided by Boom! Studios

Buffy has finally returned to “Slayer” status and Willow is still trying to control the immense power surging through her.  Relationships are still on the mend and now Willow and Xander have been taken prisoner by Drusilla and her gang.  What’s her endgame and why does she need Willow?

Spike, Buffy, and Faith set out to rescue Willow and Xan. They’re heading down to the belly of the beast with a giant surprise lying in wait…will the Scooby gang make it in time to save their friends or are they being led into a trap? 

The dark coloring and art work bring back vibes of the Hellmouth from the original Buffyverse. While featuring the characters we all know and love since Buffy the Vampire Slayer first aired in 1997, this series takes place in an entirely new universe. This alternate universe, which takes place in Universe 37, also known as the “Willowverse” (referenced in ‘Hellmouth Part 5’ and ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer #31’), was set up in ‘Trust the Process’, the prologue to our current storyline. The Vampire Slayer #15 from Boom! Studios is a fun glimpse into the Buffy multiverse, and I would love to see what windows to other worlds we will get to see into in the future.

Rating: ★★★☆☆
ComicsOnline gives The Vampire Slayer #15 – 3 out of 5 stakes to the heart.

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