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Comic Book Review: Peacemaker Tries Hard #3

by Tony Rhea, Reporter

“I’m becoming aware that I must be incredibly unlikeable.”

Me too, Peacemaker, me too. This kind of realization comes to many of us, but hopefully like me, you just consider it a part of your charm. I certainly think of it as part of Peacemaker’s, especially in this week’s Peacemaker Tries Hard #3!

Official Description
Betrayed, bleeding, and broken, Peacemaker drags his finely toned body to a local watering hole where he can existentially question his violent pursuit of peace from the safety of a barstool. But his wallowing is short-lived. He’s going to get his dog back…but he’s going to need some help. Lucky for Peacemaker, his parole officer, Richard, has a colorful costumed past…

Creative Team:
Writer: Kyle Starks
Illustrator: Steve Pugh
Colorist: Jordie Bellaire
Letterer: Becca Carey

Image provided by DC

This issue finds Peacemaker licking his wounds in a backwater bar, reflecting on his failures and general inability to make friends. Is there time for this kind of reflection when penance comes calling for your “crimes” (or, heroics, as you see them)? 

One of my favorite things about Peacemaker is his unwavering belief that what he does is heroic, and I love what Starks does in this issue with having Peacemaker explain himself to a group of local barflies. From the beginning of the issue, Starks unapologetically presents our “hero’s” unwavering conviction to not just his mission, but his decisions. It’s hard not to agree with Peacemaker’s decision to use a Female restroom, once you understand his motivations. The writing is funny, verbose, and so deliciously on-brand.

Pugh’s work in this issue is nothing to sneeze at, either. A barstool never felt so lonely. The little details, like a bloody handprint or a tampon plug (you’ll get it) are a nice touch, as well as the flavor text accompanying some of the heaviest hits in the issue. “Everybody cries, dammit!” is probably the best panel in the issue. They sure do, Peacemaker, they sure do.

Rating: ★★★★½
I don’t always want my heroes serious. Sometimes I want them seriously silly. When you don’t have to sacrifice the art for the sake of silly, it is all the better. That is why ComicsOnline is giving Peacemaker Tries Hard #3 – 4.5 out of 5 orange juices to the eyes!

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