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Advance Review: Power Rangers Unlimited: Hyperforce #1

by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor

Hyperforce, GO! Power Rangers Hyperforce returns in a new medium as part of Boom! Studios saga “The Darkest Hour”. Continuing the story that started in the Hyper RPG tabletop roleplaying game, the future heroes from the far off year of 3016 are back in action. How will these Rangers play into Mistress Vile’s plans? Find out as writers Melissa Flores and Meghan Camarena take us back to the future in Power Rangers Unlimited: Hyperforce #1!

Official Synopsis:
SPECIAL ISSUE. One of the most popular Power Rangers teams get their first special! Celebrate the Rangers’ 30th Anniversary as prolific Power Rangers storyteller Melissa Flores and acclaimed writer, media personality and voice of the HyperForce Pink Ranger in the HyperForce RPG,  Meghan Camarena (Radiant Pink), bring the fan-favorite HyperForce Rangers from the screen to the page–for their first dedicated full-length story since their morphinominal first season! Mistress Vile, formerly known as Rita Repulsa, and Dark Specter have invaded the Morphin Grid, but it will take far more than just the Mighty Morphin and Omega Rangers to stop them! As the dark contagion spreads and puts the Rangers in their most vulnerable state yet, the HyperForce Rangers will have to scour the multiverse for as many unexpected allies as they can, while they’re pushed to their limits…

Creative Team
Writers: Melissa Flores & Meghan Camarena
Artist: Federico Sabbatini
Colorist: Bryan Valenza
Lettering: Ed Dukeshire

Image provided by Boom! Studios

I had the opportunity to check out an advance copy of this release a few months ago, and it is an absolute love letter to the series. The comic medium allows for a shocking continuation of the web-series, & sets up big things in The Darkest Hour. If you aren’t familiar with the Hyperforce team from their previous online adventures, you can rest assured that there is a bit of a recap and backstory so that you can easily follow along, but I do recommend watching the series on Youtube as it will give you a greater sense of the characters and their unique history. Chloe (Hyperforce Pink, originally portrayed by Meghan Camarena) takes center stage throughout this adventure, as her family issues continue to create challenges for the Rangers in this story. Melissa played such a key role in the creation and execution of the Hyperforce series, and this story was the perfect tribute to these characters and their interesting journey. 

Federico Sabbatini beautifully illustrated this special story, bringing the characters of Hyperforce to life in this new format. There are numerous callbacks and easter eggs scattered throughout the issue, as the art expertly captures the rich world that was created as part of the tabletop adventure. Sabbatini’s aesthetic is perfectly complemented by Bryan Valenza’s coloring, creating a very vivid world for this team from the future.

Preview Pages provided by Boom! Studios:

Rating: ★★★★½ 

ComicsOnline gives Power Rangers Unlimited: Hyperforce #1 – 4.5/5 Hyperforce adventures!

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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.