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Comic Book Review: Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #6

by Tony Rhea, Reporter

The older we get, the more we start to understand where our parents were coming from. Age and experience change us. What if we got to see the results of other choices? One of the best parts of the Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent has been seeing this from the perspective of Jon while he has been trapped in the INJUSTICE universe. With the final issue of the arc upon us, will Jon be able to make a real difference in a world where his dad is THE bad guy?

Official Description:
It’s Batman versus Superman. Super Son versus Super Son. Injustice Superman is ruling with a fist of steel. Can Jon Kent free an entire world? And what could he lose if he tries?

Creative Team:
Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: Clayton Henry
Colorist: Jordie Bellaire
Letterer: Wes Abbott
Cover: Clayton Henry & Marcelo Maiolo

Image provided by DC

This issue finishes out Jon’s journey in the INJUSTICE universe. Having formulated a plan, Jon removes the remaining members of the League to be able to approach his father one-on-one. In this final confrontation, the only thing Jon is concerned with is preserving the essence of what it means to truly be Superman.

Tom Taylor delivers a great ending for an interesting story. I expected there to be more fists thrown in the issue, I expected some type of blowout possibly between Jon and Damian. What Taylor gave us was better, as Jon speaks directly to the heart of some of these characters. Challenging the way his father does business in the prime universe and then having to confront a version of him that embraces other tactics, Taylor gives us a Jon that isn’t just emulating his father but understands him. The events of this story will hopefully help forge the version of Superman that Jon desires to be, and Taylor has laid excellent groundwork for this to continue.

Art in the issue really impresses, and several panels really have me hoping for an animated adaptation of this story someday. Particular highlights would be Jon and Wonder Woman’s fight, as well as Jon and Clark’s heated confrontation at the end. Henry does a great job with the close-up shots of several character’s reactions, with only a few instances of character’s faces being reduced to simple lines and dots for eyes (to be fair, they are pulled back, the faces aren’t the focus, and drawing a lot of detail on that scale would probably be difficult).

The INJUSTICE universe continues to hold interest for readers, and this 6-issue series has certainly renewed my interest in it, as well as solidified my interest in Jon Kent’s continued development. As much as I enjoyed the issue, the mechanism for Jon getting back home is probably the low point, as it feels like a very convenient thing for Cyborg to have developed out of the blue.

Rating: ★★★★½
ComicsOnline gives Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #6 – 4.5 out of 5 golden lassos.

Before you go, make sure you check out our #SDCC Exclusive Interview with Tom Taylor as he kindly discussed Jon’s NEXT adventure with us at SDCC 2023:

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