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Comics Reviews

Comic Book Review: WildC.A.T.s #11

by Tony Rhea, Reporter

The WildC.A.T.s are back together, but it is not an entirely harmonious reunion! The team will need to come together if they are to take on HALO at home. Together or not, no one’s plans quite go as expected. Let’s hope our (anti)heroes are ready in WildC.A.T.s #11!

Official Description: 
The ‘Cats are hated, hunted, and humanity’s last hope, but can anyone stand against the might of HALO? As one member betrays the team, another will fall.

Creative Team:
Writer: Matthew Rosenberg
Artists: Stephen Segovia, Danny Kim & Tom Derenick
Colorist: Elmer Santos
Letterer: Ferran Delgado

Image provided by DC

While HALO publicizes the release of the Spartans, the WildC.A.T.s “hide out” and realize not everyone has the same feelings about their current situation. Griff and Zealot get closer, Cray takes one for the team, and Batman and crew do their best to help a little girl (and end up in a whole heap of trouble). Surprises wait for everyone and what waits at HALO might be the biggest of them all. 

Rosenburg and team have built towards what should be an epic showdown, and thus far it’s been an exciting ride. This reboot series has done a fantastic job of properly integrating these characters into the DC universe. Rosenberg does a great job raising the stakes and setting the stage, ensuring that most characters get an opportunity to shine. We get a really nice conversation between Zannah and Cole, and a great bunch of panels with Batman, Canary and Arsenal. Rosenberg’s ability to blend these characters in without them overshadowing the WildC.A.T.s is commendable, and serves as an excellent template of how to use characters as big as Batman without them needing to take center stage. 

Segovia, Kim and Derenick deliver a lot of great panels, with some very finished looking characters, and only an instance or two where the art seems a little inconsistent (these are some more action-oriented shots, so it’s forgivable). That being said, there are some panels in this issue that display these characters the best they’ve been illustrated throughout this series, and that’s saying something, because the art in these books has regularly been fantastic.

The next issue is sure to be climactic, and I’m eager to see how Rosenberg and team tackle what is sure to be a fantastic issue. Grifter and the team have a huge challenge ahead of them, but the right team is steering this boat into the harbor, so it will be great no matter how it plays out.

Rating: ★★★★☆
ComicsOnline gives WildC.A.T.s #11 4 out of 5 broken swimming pools!

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