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Comic Book Review: Birds of Prey #2

by Tony Rhea, Reporter

The team is all together, but that doesn’t mean they’re all in. Birds of Prey #2 drops this week, and it’s clear that the team as some hurdles to overcome before they’re ready to get Sin back. 

Official Description: 
Black Canary has built an all-new team with a very specific and very dangerous first mission: extraction! Their target: ! She’s being held on and guarded by a battalion of . Sounds simple enough, right? Well, then we’re explaining it wrong! It’s a terrible mission! And before it can even be launched, the Birds have to gather a few mysterious supplies and see some old familiar faces…that they punch!

Creative Team:
Writer: Kelly Thompson
Artist: Leonardo Romero
Colors: Jordie Bellaire
Letters: Clayton Cowles

Image provided by DC

Dinah has assembled the players, but the game will be more difficult than any of them anticipated. Dinah tries to convince them all of the plan, but all of them have their doubts (and rightfully so). The team splits up to gather some essentials before they head out, with Dinah enlisting the assistance of the one and only John Constantine. They may leave separately, but it turns out they are all headed in the same direction: the Seam!

The writing in the first issue was great, and that trend continues. Thompson has really done her homework, and continues to deliver on fantastically diverse characters that seamlessly come together in an interesting story that isn’t afraid to have fun with itself. Constantine was a fun addition to this issue, and didn’t feel shoe-horned in, providing an organic means for Dinah to get where she was going. Having the team accidentally come together provided a great opportunity to showcase what a unique and fun grouping of characters Thompson has come up with for this series.

Romero delivers on great character design and classic styling once again, with some great designs for Constantine and the surprise guest later in the issue. The muted color palette used in this series helps with that classic look, looks great on the characters, and serves to make this series look distinct from the other books on issue this week while also proving that sometimes less is more.

Birds of Prey #2 is fun and funny, and will provide you with a great way to distract yourself for a little while from the mundanity of your work/school week.

ComicsOnline gives Birds of Prey #2 – 4 out of 5 crumbly yellow golems!

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