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Comics Reviews

Comic Book Review: Shazam! #6

by Tony Rhea, Reporter

Gods! Space Dinosaurs! A little girl with a bullet for a head. This week, DC gives us everything and the kitchen sink in Shazam! #6!

Official Description:
“Meet the Captain!” reaches its action-packed finale when Billy is forced to battle the very six gods who give him his magic abilities-a fight he can’t possibly hope to win! Once the dust settles…who will possess the power of Shazam?

PLUS: The interdimensional imp Bat-Mite has come to Fawcett City and he’s brought his cousin with him: the Captain’s biggest fan! Meet Shazamite! Then flee in terror before the entire city turns upside down!

Creative Team:
Storytellers – Mark Waid & Dan Mora
Colors-Alejandro Sánchez
Letters- Troy Peteri

Billy, realizing the gods who gave him his powers are trying to turn him into their puppet, confronts them head on. Freddy tricks the gods in order to allow more time for a surprising cavalry to arrive. Solomon realizes he may have made a mistake, and seeks to correct it, but the price Billy is willing to pay now may cost him dearly in the future.

Waid and Mora deliver a great finale for “Meet the Captain!” and it’s got a little bit of everything. While this finale doesn’t wrap a bow on anything other than the immediate story involving the gods, it does a great job setting up what is to come. As someone who hasn’t made a habit of reading Shazam! in the past, this latest run has served as an excellent jumping on point. Waid has made Shazam! feel welcoming to new readers, giving you just enough background story to be able to understand everything without bogging you down with decades of history. The whole encounter between the gods and Billy’s “cavalry” is fun and just slightly over the top, and serves as a kind of highlight on what makes Waid’s run on Shazam! great – it is entirely possible to embrace the serious while being able to embrace the fun. It feels as if Waid has an excellent handle on both, and it makes this issue a delight to read.

Mora is a powerhouse in this issue of Shazam! I would honestly have a hard time deciding what my favorite panel was in this issue because there are so many. If you have been sleeping on the work of Dan Mora, this issue serves as a wake-up call. The action is hard and fast, and every character really does get a great chance to shine artistically. The gods all look amazing, the Captain has never looked better, and did I mention the race of space-bureaucrat dinosaurs? This issue has me convinced that Dan Mora is an artist to watch, and I will definitely be looking for his name on other comics.

This wonderful six-issue Shazam! story has been capped off in a great way, and the story it sets up couldn’t be more interesting. Waid and Mora have caught my attention in a big way with this issue and this series, and I can’t wait to see where they take us next.

Rating: ★★★★★
ComicsOnline gives Shazam! #6 5 out of 5 suitcases of holding!

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