
– Everything Geek Pop Culture!

Matt Sernaker

Interviews Videos

WonderCon 2011: Breaking In – Interview with Bret Harrison

Check out our exclusive video from the roundtable interviews with Bret Harrison (Reaper) for the upcoming FOX comedy, Breaking In, at WonderCon 2011:


Stay tuned to ComicsOnline for more WonderCon 2011 coverage and for everything geek pop culture!

WonderCon 2011: Doctor Who – New Trailer and Behind the Scenes Video NOW ONLINE


Doctor Who took WonderCon 2011 by storm on Sunday, and fans were treated to a new Exclusive Extended Trailer from the upcoming season, as well as new Behind The Scenes footage. Now you can enjoy these new Doctor Who clips at home by clicking the links below!

New Exclusive Extended Trailer

New Behind The Scenes Footage

Stay tuned to ComicsOnline for more WonderCon 2011 coverage and for everything geek pop culture!

WonderCon 2011: ThunderCats Panel – Exclusive Trailer NOW ONLINE


The new ThunderCats trailer that premiered today at WonderCon is now online! Check it out by clicking the image below (note: you must be logged into Facebook to view):

Stay tuned to ComicsOnline for more WonderCon 2011 news and for everything geek pop culture!

WonderCon 2011: Green Lantern Movie Footage from panel NOW ONLINE!

Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds and Geoff Johns at WonderCon 2011 (Photo by Mike Kaldani)

A shortened version of the Green Lantern Movie Footage that was shown at WonderCon 2011 is now online! Check out the footage by clicking the image below!

Stay tuned to ComicsOnline for more WonderCon 2011 news and for everything geek pop culture!


WonderCon 2011: Dark Horse Panel

Here are some of the highlights from the Dark Horse panel at WonderCon 2011:

-On the Dark Horse panel this year were Jeremy Atkins, Sierra Hahn, and Scott Allie, who shared some interesting developments in the world of Dark Horse world. 

-Among them was the revelation that Dark Horse has acquired all the Joss Whedon franchises under one Dark Horse roof!

-IDW is wrapping up all current titles before Dark Horse “takes over”, so to speak.  

-Sierra Hahn, editor of the new Dollhouse mini-series to be released in July, offered up some tidbits about the series: it’s an expansion of the already released one-shot, and is based on the “Epitaph” episodes of the series. 

WonderCon 2011: Spotlight on Robert Kirkman

Here are some highlights from the Spotlight on Robert Kirkman panel at WonderCon 2011:

Update on Season 2 of The Walking Dead:
-Kirkman will do more writing for the upcoming season

-He has relocated to LA with his family so he can be there everyday to work on the scripts.

-TWD filming to continue in Atlanta.

-Still in talks with Joe Hill and Stephen King for individual episode development, but they are not on board yet.

-On diverging from the comic: “To do what happens in the comic would bore me to tears…let’s do THIS (something else) instead.”

-Hopes to gain experience in the editing room and other areas of working on a TV show like this.

WonderCon 2011: DC Nation Panel

Here are some of the highlights for the DC Nation Panel at WonderCon 2011:

-DC has always been committed to giving the readers what they ‘like, what you don’t like, and what gets you excited about comics’.  

-Glad to hear people like how things are going, and always listing to input from the fans, including restarting the letters from fans sections at the back of issues, which helps give the creators a boost and keeps them connected on a personal level.

-Fan question: ‘So War of the Green Lanterns, what’s that about?’ Didio: “Well, the Green Lanterns… are at war”.

-Fan question: Deadman: Is he still alive or is he dead right now?  Answer: Yes.


WonderCon 2011: Green Lantern Comics Panel

Here are some of the highlights from the Green Lantern Comics Panel at WonderCon 2011:

-Reveal of the White Lantern is next week in issue #23.

-*Joking?* Atrocious will have a Valentines day special at some point in the future (and Dexstar will fight with Krypto.)

-The embodiments of the cores are holed up in the Guardians right now, and will be for the near future.

WonderCon 2011 Coverage

It’s time again for WonderCon! This year is the convention’s 25th Anniversary and we have a lot of exciting coverage planned. Watch this space for our ongoing list!

(Newest at the top)


Comics Review: The Walking Dead #83 (MASSIVE SPOILERS)

By Matt Sernaker

There are a few moments in comics these days that really make you stop and reflect on what you just read (the shocking death of [REDACTED] in the penultimate issue of Y: The Last Man was a massive jaw dropping shocker that still makes me sad to this day). For those of us who have been reading the ongoing story of The Walking Dead, we have become accustom to Robert Kirkman’s knack for keeping his audience guessing…and the newest issue (#83) again not only pushes the envelope, but is also rather disturbing on multiple levels.

So many spoilers in the rest of this article. Read at your own risk.