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Geeky Nursery Rhymes to Tell Your Little Monster

By Ben “Zombie” Bedgood It might not surprise you that those of us at ComicsOnline are pretty Geeky. It might surprise you that many of us on staff are also parents. For myself, I have found that the old school nursery…

Batman: A Family Tree

By Ben “Zombie” Bedgood Batman is a legend in his own right, aside from his reputation. He has one of, if not the largest family tree in the DC Comics’ universe. Compiling this list and all the appropriate characters was…

Editorial: Star Trek Into Darkness, Crash and Burn?

In a new segment here at GGR, our resident crotchety old man Frank Landau is doing what we call an AAR. If you were ever in the military, you know that AAR stands for After Action Review, and that’s what these reviews are: a review after the fact, very after the fact. Frank is late to the party with recent movies and will review films that have been out for a while that he is just getting around to finally watching. His first review is Star Trek Into Darkness..

The History of R Rated Comic Movies

By: Ben “Zombie” Bedgood, Reporter Deadpool has been crushing box office numbers over the past few weeks, kind of like a boot on a sun-bleached skull. The excitement this has brought for the possibility of more R rated comic movies succeeding…

Editorial: The Comic Shop, A Dying Breed

By Ben “Zombie” Bedgood Comic Shops are a dying breed. Now, after reading that statement you might be sitting there thinking “No they aren’t! There is that shop down the street, the new one across town, and the one in…

TV Recap: Galavant Season One – Last Verse

by Kim Filchak, Reporter I have said all along that King Lassy is the beating, wonderful, only occasionally murderous, heart of Galavant, or if I haven’t said it I should have. The heart eyes I have whenever he is on screen…

Editorial: Who is Jessica Jones?

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large It’s no real surprise to me that Marvel and Netflix chose very specific characters for their special mini-series. Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist are all street fighters who prefer to stick to New York and…

Editorial: Who is Daredevil?

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large I grew up in a comic book store. Literally. My parents owned one from before I was born, and we had the business through my high school experience. I started working there on the weekends and…

Why Cosplayers Count: Courtney

by Joe Iconic, Reporter One of the most perplexing comic book community controversies is the “fake geek girl” discussion, which largely dismisses cosplayers as fans. From artists to authors to fans, most agree there is room in the expanding pop…

Holiday Gift Guide: Shopping for Super Villains

By Kim Filchak, reporter We all have that one friend who is well neigh impossible to shop for. We also all have that one friend whom we would not too be surprised if they were on an international watch list,…

Tips for Taking Photos at Conventions – A Primer

by David Pomeranz, Photographer-at-Law These days, everyone has a camera with them all the time.  When we’re not talking, texting or surfing the net, that little gadget in our pocket can take some fine pictures.  And within the last few…

ComicsOnline Podcast S15E07 – GamerWhat

Audio and Video by Marc Lutz SPOILER ALERT! You’re watching the ComicsOnline Podcast. Season Fifteen. Episode Seven. Gamer What?! Recorded October 21, 2014. This episode, Kevin and Troy-David (from Flashback Comics) are recorded by Marc Lutz at Flashback Comics and Games…

Editorial: A Look Back At Friends 20 Years Later

by Chelsea Dee Doyle, Editor-at-Large I remember watching Friends for the first time. I was too young when it first started, only ten years old, and I have vague memories of hearing about Ross and Rachel and “how you doin’” jokes from pop…

Gaming Editorial: Can Destiny live up to the hype?

by Demi Moumas, Reporter Despite having the biggest game debut of $500 million and the most pre-order new IP ever, Destiny is receiving mix reviews. Bungie and Activision pushed the marketing for a game they consider a first person shooter…