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david duchovny

TV Review: The X-Files 1×9 “Space”

Chelsea continues her first viewing of The X-Files, the only major geeky television show she missed the boat completely on. This episode is about a NASA project gone wrong, and Scully and Mulder investigating a strange possession of an astronaut. Unfortunately it’s not a very good episode, but it’s season one. They had plenty of time to get their feet under them and progress from here.


TV Review: The X-Files 1×3 Squeeze

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large It was brought to my attention that some of my notes about this show are actually funny. Yes I have something open while I watch so I can type my immediate thoughts or if a part…

TV Review: The X-Files 1×2 Deep Throat

  by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large This continues The X-Files Project I started, where a relative newbie to the show starts from the beginning and recaps each episode. These are informal so I hope you don’t mind, it really is just…

TV Review: The X-Files Pilot

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large It’s been some time since I wrote for, but I’m making a comeback.  I missed you beautiful people. I love sci-fi. I love all of Star Wars and read the books in the extended universe,…