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Editorial: Doctor Strange & Star Trek Beyond

by Mike Lunsford, Editor   “Doctor Strange & Star Trek Beyond? What do these movies have to do with each other?” you might be asking yourself. Both of these movies struck a chord because they redeemed both an actor and…

Editorial: The Comic Shop, A Dying Breed

By Ben “Zombie” Bedgood Comic Shops are a dying breed. Now, after reading that statement you might be sitting there thinking “No they aren’t! There is that shop down the street, the new one across town, and the one in…

Editorial: CONsent and striking a chord in cosplay fandom

by Bill Watters, Editor and Photographer Earlier this week, Sushi Killer wrote a great opinion piece at 16-bit Sirens entitled, The Beginnings of CONsent. At it’s core is a much needed statement about the lack of respect nearly all cosplayers…

Shock Value: Let You Entertain Me

First things first, since no one had a better name for this I’m keeping Shock Value as the title for this venture into opiniondom. I’d also like to say hi to everyone that read my first article (I’ll call this…