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hal jordan

Comic Book Review: Green Lantern #4

Have you ever met up with someone you used to work with? It’s weird, right? Now, imagine you not only held a grudge against this co-worker for numerous reasons, but make your former co-worker purple with a thin mustache and a gnarly attitude. If you’re having trouble imagining this, Green Lantern #4 should help!

Comic Book Review: Green Lantern #2

Green Lantern is back…maybe! After forging a new ring from the will-powered energy of old Manhunter armor, Hal is flying high in Green Lantern #2 from DC. While Hal attempts to put his life back together, John Stewart continues to forge his own path as we learn more about the mysterious “Another Universe, Another Time” story teased in the first issue.

Advance Review: Green Lantern #1

by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor Hal “Highball” Jordan takes the spotlight once again as Green Lantern #1 hits comic book stores this week! The latest title under the Dawn of DC banner sees Jordan return to Earth under somewhat mysterious…

TV News: Green Lantern The Animated Series “Loss” Preview

This weekend on Green Lantern: The Animated Series, The heroes attend a rebuilding ceremony between the Guardians and the Red Lanterns on their capitol planet, Ysmault.  However, a rampant malfunctioning Manhunter threatens to derail the fragile state of peace between…