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Matt Smith

TV Review: Doctor Who 7×10 “Hide”

The Doctor takes Clara to a haunted house in an attempt to get more answers about her from a psychic. Instead they get wrapped up in the mystery and try to find a lost time-traveler. Doctor Who airs on BBC America Saturday nights.

TV Review: Doctor Who 7×7 “The Bells of Saint John”

Doctor Who is back! Healed from the loss of his former Companions, he is absorbed with the mystery of Clara Oswin Oswald, the woman who keeps finding him and promptly dying. This new adventure takes him to present time where the enemy is wi-fi, and the new villain for the season is mentioned again. It airs on BBC America Saturday nights at 8 PM EST.


TV News: Doctor Who Christmas Special Breaks Ratings Records for BBC America

The latest Doctor Who Christmas Special breaks new records! Check out the official press release from BBC America: DOCTOR WHO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL BREAKS RATINGS RECORD FOR BBC AMERICA Channel celebrates year of success New York – January 2, 2013 – Doctor…

TV News: Doctor Who New Companion Announcement Press Release

Doctor Who is getting a new companion during the upcoming 2012 season, and BBC just broke the news about who will be joining Matt Smith in the Tardis! Check out the press release below: