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Movie Review: Looper

by Kevin Gaussoin, Editor-in-Chief Time travel is a tricky thing. It behaves differently in different universes, so when a story that takes place in a new one pops up, we as the nerds of geek pop culture are eager to…

Movie Review: Total Recall

by Brian Burgoyne, Reporter Before I saw Total Recall, I thought that all remakes were just overdone, over-hyped movies bent not on telling a story but on making money for the studios. After watching the movie, my opinion has not changed….

Movie Review: The Bourne Legacy

by Kendrick Gaussoin, Junior Editor After 10 years, it may be that the original Bourne Trilogy was only a prequel. We were told The Bourne Ultimatum was the end, but instead it led us to this awesome, sick, fight-filled chase movie. Jason Bourne ended…


omg. omg. omg. omg. omg. omg. omg.

Okay, so normally I don’t post news articles (that’s normally left to Kroze and Matt), but dude.  This is too awesome.  I just said in the article I posted about War Horse that I was reminiscing about the style of Tarantino I love so much.  And… Christoph Waltz (Inglorious Basterds, The Green Hornet, The Three Musketeers) is in it!!  And I love that man.  Probably one of my all-time favorite actors.  Anywho, there’s the official teaser poster, and below is the official synopsis of the film.  Is it Christmas yet?

Blu-ray Review: Fright Night (2011)

He’s not lovesick, or misunderstood, he’s the @#$%ing shark from ‘Jaws’!” – Evil Ed

by Chris Kane, Reviewer and Karl Madsen, Horror Editor

We have all had neighbors move into the house next door, and most have acted strangely at first. Especially when they do most of their business at night, and a wave of criminal activity begins at the same time. Isn’t that what happens when a vampire moves in next door? How was I supposed to know that he really was a night watchman, and that there is always crime in a big city. But I digress, and the restraining order says I can’t say any more.

The new Fright Night is a retelling of a story that resonated with pre- and post pubescent Gen Xers.  Indeed Fright Night is an important part of our myth pool, our tales which capered and cavorted in our minds long after we had extinguished the safety of our bedroom light. In many ways this retelling is a re presentation to the next generation: the cinematic equivalent of handing down the tale of razor-blade-laced Halloween treats, or Bloody Mary (Bloody Mary, Bloody Ma—).  Fright Night 2011 also happens to be a metric shit-ton of celluloid fun, filled with nerve torquing suspense, blow-your-hair-back action sequences, and a cast that propels Fright Night shrieking into the present. Bloody good fun!


Movie Review: The Hangover: Part II

by Ashley Penrod, Assistant Media Editor They’re the three best friends that anyone could have; and they’re back to celebrate another wedding in The Hangover: Part II! This time loveable, plebeian dentist Stu (Ed Helms – The Office, The Daily Show) is…

Blu-ray & DVD Review: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

Maybe it was a San Diego City Schools thing, but ComicsOnline Editor-in-Chief Kevin Gaussoin reports that years earlier, he had nearly the same experience in school.