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the x-files

TV Review: The X-Files 1×9 “Space”

Chelsea continues her first viewing of The X-Files, the only major geeky television show she missed the boat completely on. This episode is about a NASA project gone wrong, and Scully and Mulder investigating a strange possession of an astronaut. Unfortunately it’s not a very good episode, but it’s season one. They had plenty of time to get their feet under them and progress from here.


TV Review: The X-Files 1×8 “Ice”

In this episode of The X-Files, Mulder and Scully are snowed in at a base where the former occupants went mad and killed each other. They have assembled a team of scientists to explore the reason why, but can they get to the bottom of it before they start to turn on each other? This is an example of an episode that reminds you of another movie or TV show, but it’s done so well it feels like more of an homage.

TV Review: The X-Files 1×7 “Ghost In The Machine”

In this episode of X-Files, the show does a pretty horrible rip off of Space Odyssey and dates itself worse than ever before. Well, X-Files, they can’t all be winners. Between the hilarious computer problems and bad music, for the first time I could absolutely tell this was the 90s. Oh well. Better luck next time!

TV Review: The X-Files 1×6 Shadows

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large They are not wasting any time on this show. We’ve had aliens, monster of the week, government conspiracies, and now ghosts. I laugh at my question in the pilot about whether or not it would be…

TV Review: The X-Files 1×5 The Jersey Devil

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large   I think I ship Mulder and Horrible Decisions. Mulder + Horrible Decisions = This entire show. I’ll get into why in a second. This is another monster of the week type of show, although in…

TV Review: The X-Files 1×4 Conduit

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large Wow there are a lot of things I like about this show, as I’ve already discussed, but here’s another example: it’s the fourth episode and they’re addressing Mulder’s missing sister. Not that he finds her, mind…


TV Review: The X-Files 1×3 Squeeze

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large It was brought to my attention that some of my notes about this show are actually funny. Yes I have something open while I watch so I can type my immediate thoughts or if a part…

TV Review: The X-Files 1×2 Deep Throat

  by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large This continues The X-Files Project I started, where a relative newbie to the show starts from the beginning and recaps each episode. These are informal so I hope you don’t mind, it really is just…

TV Review: The X-Files Pilot

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large It’s been some time since I wrote for, but I’m making a comeback.  I missed you beautiful people. I love sci-fi. I love all of Star Wars and read the books in the extended universe,…