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Erin Hatch

Blu-ray Review: Spider-Man Trilogy

by Erin Hatch, Editor It has been ten years since Sam Raimi launched his series of Spider-Man films, and the best way to see just how much has changed in the past decade is to watch the series over again…

Movie Review: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

by Erin Hatch, Reviewer The Civil War may be the most traumatic event in American History, a bloody conflict that determined our national identity while leaving wounds that linger even in today’s contentious politics. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter turns this…


Blu-Ray Review: Red Riding Hood: Alternate Cut

by Erin Hatch, Editor-At-Large

Now you can get your copy of Red Riding Hood: Alternate Cut available on Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Download combo pack!

I was prepared to write a truly scathing review of Red Riding Hood. Honestly, I wanted to relish this, to really tear into it, to say that it was total dreck and that watching the film was a pain in the neck and a waste of my time, so it should be taken as an enormous complement when I say that I am a little bit disappointed that this movie wasn’t as horrible as I expected it to be. In fact, there were several moments that I thought were actually good. I’ll admit, I might have pre-drank a little too much, and thus enjoyed the movie more than I would have sober.



DVD Review: Doctor Who “Frontios” and “Time and the Rani”

by Erin Hatch, Editor-at-Large

After my adventures reviewing two sets of classic Doctor Who episodes from the Jon Pertwee years, I hopped in my TARDIS and jumped forward to the mysterious 1980’s to look at an another two recently released Who story arcs: “Frontios” from 1984, starring Peter Davison, and “Time and the Rani” from 1987, with Sylvester McCoy as the Doctor, which are now available to own on DVD!


DVD Review: Challenge of the Gobots: The Original Miniseries

by Erin Hatch, Editor-at-Large

If you were a child in the 1980’s, and have participated in Geek culture at any time since, it is possible that you have encountered a very silly debate between fans of the popular Transforming-Robot series, Transformers, and the not-quite-so-popular, Transforming-Robot series, Gobots. It is a fairly useless debate, as Gobots fans generally stress that Gobots came first, while Transformers fans counter with the fact that Transformers wasn’t a pile of crap. But who is correct? Now we can find out, with the release of the miniseries that started it all: Challenge of the Gobots: The Original Miniseries now on DVD!


DVD Review: Spider-Woman: Agent of S.W.O.R.D.

by Erin Hatch, Editor-at-Large

Never judge a DVD by its cover. That is probably the primary lesson that I learned from Spider-Woman: Agent of S.W.O.R.D. You see, I assumed that the DVD for Spider-Woman contained an animated movie that did something interesting with Spider-Woman, who doesn’t seem to be all that popular among fans. I’d seen her featured in interesting roles in the Avengers comics a while back, but never really sympathized with her character, so I just assumed that this movie would be a good chance to get to know the character in her post-Invasion incarnation.

But this isn’t a movie, it is a motion comic, and it would be unfair to judge this motion comic by movie standards, right? So, let’s start over.


DVD Review: Doctor Who: Terror of the Autons and Doctor Who: The Planet of the Spiders

by Erin Hatch, Editor-at-Large

Now two more classic Doctor Who stories, Terror of the Autons and The Planet of the Spiders (featuring Jon Pertwee) are now available for you to own on DVD!

Back in 2009, I was scandalized by the idea that any actor could possibly replace David Tennant as The Doctor in BBC’s excellent science fiction series Doctor Who. I couldn’t imagine anyone taking his place, and was sure that the series would no longer be the brilliant show I knew and loved.


DVD Review: Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos

by Erin Hatch, Editor-at-Large
There comes a time in every adult’s life in which he or she will come to believe that Chuck Norris is nothing more than an aging TV Star whose reputation has been over-inflated by memes on the internet, to the point that pencil-necked geeks and poorly socialized man-children worship him as if he were a god. To all of those people: make no mistake, those geeks and man-children are right. Chuck Norris is not man, but something greater, and that becomes apparent in the first moments of Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos.


Drunken Geek TV Review: Hellcats – “Woke Up Dead”

In April of 2011, gave site reviewer Erin Hatch a mission: Watch screening dvds for several upcoming shows. Tormented by the assignment, the man turned to drinking and disappeared from the face of the earth. One week later, a tattered journal appeared on the doorstep of Senior Media Editor, Matt Sernaker. Among various chronicles of his spiritual journey, the document contained the three TV reviews. ComicsOnline is proud to present the Drunken Geek Review of Hellcats:


Blu-ray Review: Venture Bros The Complete Season Four

Now maybe I got a little intoxicated before starting this review, but I don’t think my opinion would have changed in the slightest: The Venture Brothers Season Four Blu-ray is the most concentrated source of awesome that money can buy. I am 90% sure that isn’t the whiskey talking, and is instead my unadulterated devotion to this genius series. If you are a fan of comics, science fiction, or anything that uses the word “adventure” in its genre tag, you probably already know about The Venture Brothers from their first three excellent seasons. If not, you should. Look into it now. They are on Blu-ray (and DVD)!




DVD Review: Inception

Imagine entering a lucid dream in which the rules of physical reality can be bent and broken, where a person’s subconscious is open for exploration, where their deepest secrets reside. Now imagine that you can use a vaguely-defined technology to infiltrate and extract those valuable secrets and sell them to the highest bidder. You’ve just looked into the world of Inception, The Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan’s summer blockbuster for 2010. Now you can own Inception on DVD!


Blu-ray Review: Scott Pilgrim VS the World


Scott Pilgrim VS the World is spectacular. The action scenes are great. The rest is clever, hip, and hysterically funny. They are amazingly faithful to the comics. Overall, it is just plain fun.