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Collectable Review: Terraria Toy Line

by Jayden Leggett, Editor If you’re struggling for a gift idea this Christmas, or perhaps you’re just looking to spoil yourself, listen up, because boy oh oh boy do I have the review for you. Particularly if you or your…

SDCC 2013: Tim Jo – ABC’s The Neighbors – Exclusive Interview

ComicsOnline catches up with Tim Jo at SDCC 2013, where we discuss the upcoming second season of ABC’s The Neighbors as well as their recent Emmy nomination for their musical episode!

DVD Review: The Neighbors Season 1

On its surface, The Neighbors seems like just another gimicky sitcom bound to be filled with repetitious dumb lowbrow humor, but under that initial veneer we learn that The Neighbors might be one of the smartest comedies on TV. The Neighbors is a sonnet of buffoonery that holds up a mirror to American culture and shows us just how ridiculous and wonderful we really are.