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Antonio Banderas

DVD Review: The Expendables 3

by Mike Favila, Editor When I heard of the first iteration of The Expendables, it almost sounded like an urban legend.  Like fan fiction made up by a 12 year old me, it had every action hero from the 80s and…

DVD Review: Haywire


by Karl Madsen, Editor


Remember the first time you see a movie that’s told in a non-traditional fashion? For many in the movie viewing public, it was the classic Tarantino flick, Pulp Fiction that indoctrinated us to the alternate story telling styles. Now, the Steven Soderbergh thriller, Haywire, uses an unusual style to tell the story of a black ops soldier on the outs with her company.


Haywire follows the last official mission of Mallory Kane (Gina Carano – Blood and Bone) that is meant to be her last mission, ever.