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Blu-ray review

Blu-ray Review: Marvel Knights Animation – Wolverine Origin

by Jayden Leggett, Editor Everybody who knows anything about comics knows about Wolverine, the dude with the ‘tude, ‘burns and massive freakin’ claws. But for quite a long time none of us knew just exactly how his story started, thanks…

Blu-ray Review: The Frozen Ground

The strength of The Frozen Ground is its cast.   Nicolas Cage turns in a controlled and understated but nonetheless powerful performance, perhaps his best in a decade.

Blu-Ray Review: Bullet In The Face

Within just a few minutes of viewing Bullet in the Face for the very first time, it became very clear to me what I could expect from this show. Stylised over-the-top acting (complete with cliched accents), excessive violence, morbid humour and a psychotic lead character are all key ingredients to this very quirky yet strangely enjoyable meal.

Blu-Ray Review: Iron Man – Extremis

Mya: "We don't know where he is"

Iron Man: "I do. Mya… I can see through satellites now!"