
– Everything Geek Pop Culture!

Collin Kelly

Comic Book Review: The Principles of Necromancy #1

The Principles of Necromancy #1 from Magma Comics is a love letter to the macabre, with elements of tragedy and body horror battling with intrigue and mystery for narrative supremacy. The elegant visual evolution of the opening panels as a dark clad figure emerges from the snow filled oblivion speaks volumes with just twelve words…

Comic Book Review: Batman Beyond: Neo-Gothic #6

Tony Rhea reviews Batman Beyond: Neo-Gothic #6!

Comic Book Review: Batman Beyond Neo-Gothic #4

The dark is frightening, and the only way out is through. Terry and Kyle continue their trek through the dark beneath Gotham in Batman Beyond #4!

Comic Book Review: Batman Beyond: Neo-Gothic #2

Terry’s journey to Old-Gotham continues! What lurks under the streets of Neo-Gotham? Batman is in for a KILLER surprise, as Killer Croc makes his Beyond-era debut in Batman Beyond: Neo-Gothic #2 from DC.

Fan Expo Chicago 2023: Pre-Con Interview with “Hivemind” Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing (Part 1)

Thanks to our friends at Fan Expo Chicago (coming August 10-13, 2023), we had the opportunity to once again speak with our “Hivemind” friends (a.k.a. Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly) to properly prepare for the upcoming Chicago convention.

Fan Expo Chicago 2023: Pre-Con Interview with “Hivemind” Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing (Part 1)

Thanks to our friends at Fan Expo Chicago (coming August 10-13, 2023), we had the opportunity to once again speak with our “Hivemind” friends (a.k.a. Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly) to properly prepare for the upcoming Chicago convention.

Comic Book Review: Captain America #750

A nice milestone hodgepodge for The First Avenger making it 3/4 of the way to the biggie that only Superman and Batman have reached so far. Overall, a solid volume, uneven as these buffet-style compilations are, but what’s not to love about a triple-sized dose of red, white and blue uplift this Independence Day? ComicsOnline gives Captain America #750 – (!) a patriotic July 4 out of 5 stars.