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grant gustin

TV Recap: The Flash 1×13

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large It’s been a build up to Firestorm’s big episode, so why does it feel like it fell a little flat? Maybe expectations were too high. Maybe the performance wasn’t as good as one would hope. I’m…

TV Recap: The Flash 1×12

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large While The Flash 1×12 didn’t have as much excitement as last week, and the villain wasn’t nearly as interesting as the Piper, there was plenty to love about it. It continued the major storyline well and threw in…

TV Recap: The Flash 1×11

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-At-Large This episode was excellent. They took the Pied Piper and made him a strong part of the show’s plot, and also made him more dangerous than he ever was in the comics. I’m constantly impressed by…

TV Review: The Flash Season 1 First Half

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large DC has excelled in television, although we all know they’ve had a harder time in movies. Arrow is one of my favorite TV shows currently airing, so you can imagine my excitement when I heard Barry…

The Flash: Interview with Grant Gustin (Barry Allen/The Flash)

by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor The Flash is speeding into our homes on Tuesday nights this Fall on The CW, and ComicsOnline is your place to be for news, interviews, and reviews of the hit series! We are excited to…

TV Review: The Flash “City of Heroes” (SERIES PREMIERE)

by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor If you are only going to start watching one new show this season, it should without question be The Flash. Spinning out of events in The CW’s Arrow, viewers will quickly find that Barry Allen…