
– Everything Geek Pop Culture!

Lego Marvel Super Heroes

Game Review: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes – PlayStation 3

Does the world really need another LEGO game? Well, dear readers, I can assure you that the answer is a huge, resounding “EXCELSIOR!” Uh, I mean “Yes”!

Video Game News: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes

May we present to you a stack of new screenshots from some of the newly announced characters that you can expect to see within the soon-to-be-released LEGO Marvel Super Heroes.

Video Game News: Warner Bros. Incoming Comic Book-Based Games

Bored? Lonely? Constantly finding yourself with nothing to do? Fear not, for Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment have got your back with this slew of upcoming comic book-based video games!

Videogame News: Lego Marvel Super Heroes Announced

As if more needs to be said, we here at ComicsOnline are passionate about all things geek pop culture. So when news arrives of an upcoming videogame that incorporates Lego and Marvel comic book characters, you can bet your house…