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Comic Book Review: Alpha Flight #1

The northern branch of Fall of X seems to be shaping up well with “On Guard For Thee”.  Ed Brisson and Scott Godlewski have a handle on the history and are integrating the Alpha Flight characters well into the current X-Event.

Comic Book Review: Uncanny Avengers #1

Captain America knows fascism when he smells it. Captain Canada and his cronies in Alpha Flight may be willing to knuckle under, at least superficially, but the guy with the A on his head isn’t taking this lying down AND PUBLIC OPINION POLLS DON’T FACTOR IN! Uncanny Avengers Assemble!

Comic Book Review: X-Men #23

by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor   We’ve known for a while that the Fall of X was coming, and things aren’t going so well for our favorite Krakoan heroes. The Sins of Sinister might be over, but that doesn’t mean…

Comic Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Volume 3 – Issues 24 & 25


Have you ever been completely obsessed by a particular comic book series only to have it abruptly end without a proper sense of closure, with multiple questions left unanswered and various plot mysteries left unexplained? If you are anything like me you will have experienced this when Image’s run of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles came to a sudden close with issue 23. As this leg of the turtles’ journey involved many drastic changes to the turtles and their universe it was considered to no longer be “canon” for Mirage’s TMNT universe, and when Volume 4 began all of the events from Volume 3 were ignored and forgotten about. Until now…