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More “X-men: Days of Future Past” Awesome!

By Kim Filchak As we are hurtling face first into the release of the highly anticipated summer blockbuster X-men: Days of Future Past here are some last minute featurettes to whet the appetite. First off “Power Pieces”, a closer look…

Movie Review: The Wolverine

When is a super hero movie not a super hero movie? Does the inclusion of characters with strange and supernatural powers automatically consign a film to the increasingly dominant sub-genre mixing the most potent aspects of the science fiction and action categories, or is there wiggle room for a film to defy the tropes of the comic book super hero film as popularized by Marvel and DC in recent years?

The Wolverine evokes those questions despite the comic book origins of its characters and their super human abilities, because at its core it is an action film with a theme that questions the nature of mortality and immortality.