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Blu-ray & DVD Review: Tropic Thunder

Tropic Thunder is an action movie set in the Vietnam war set within a comedy of the same name. Whether you’re talking about the comedy or the war drama within, Tropic Thunder is an all-star extravaganza that satires stardom, war movies, and really all of Hollywood.

Ben Stiller (producer of The Ruins) stars as Tugg Speedman as who in turn stars as Four Leaf Tayback. Speedman is the ultimate action hero whose fame has seen better days.

Jack Black (Kung Fu Panda) stars as Jeff Portnoy who in turn stars as Fats. Portnoy is a heroin addict whose fame is largely based on movies featuring himself playing multiple roles in fat suits.

Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man) stars as Kirk Lazarus who in turn stars as Lincoln Osiris. Lazarus is an extreme method actor from Australia who underwent a controversial procedure to dye his skin so he could get into the role of a black man.

Brandon T. Jackson (The Day the Earth Stood Still) stars as Alpa Chino who in turn stars as Motown. Alpa Chino is not to be confused with Al Pachino, but instead he’s a hip hop huckster trying all the while to pimp his signature products: Bust a Nut energy bars and Booty Sweat energy drink.

Jay Baruchel (Almost Famous) stars as Kevin Sandusky who in turn stars as Brooklyn. He’s more or less the everyman.

Matthew McConaughey (Dazed and Confused) stars as Rick Peck who represents Tugg Speedman and through his dedication to his client, saves the lives of the actors by coming through on his promise that he’ll get Speedman his DVR (don’t worry, in a comedy like this, this “spoiler” is irrelavant).

Nick Nolte (The Spiderwick Chronicles) stars as Four Leaf Tayback, the writer of the book behind the Screenplay of the movie within the movie. As “the Milli Vanilli of patriots,” he is actually one of the most believable characters.

Possibly the most shocking slash thrilling starring rold is Tom Cruise (Top Gun) who stars as slimy movie mogul Les Grossman.

-The opening fake credits featuring trailers for films supposedly done by the actors. Ever wanted to see Spider-Man make out with Iron Man? I didn’t think I did either, but if you watch Tropic Thunder for no other reason, watch it for the fake!trailer for Satan’s Alley, which depicts the forbidden love between Robert Downey Jr’s charater’s character, a catholic monk, and another friar played by Tobey Maguire. Brokeback Marvel was so hilarious, you may find yourself in tears.

-Character actor Kevin Sandusky (Jay Baruchel) from Undeclared and Knocked Up was a highlight for us, as he seemed to be the most normal guy stuck with all the crazy people.

-Tom Cruise dancing in a fat suit during the credits. Dancing in his underwear in Risky Business has now been eclipsed after all these years by the spectacle that is his Tropic Thunder role.

Blu-ray Extras:

-Filmmaker and Cast Commentaries

-Before the Thunder (HD)

-The Hot LZ (HD)

-Blowing S#%t Up! (HD)

-Designing the Thunder (HD)

-The Cast of Tropic Thunder

Rain of Madness – The Mocumentary about the making of the movie within the movie.

-Deleted and Extended Scenes (HD)

-Alternate Ending (HD)

-Full Mags (HD)

-MTV Movie Awards – Tropic Thunder

-Dispatches from the Edge of Madness (BD Live)

-Additional Full Mags (BD Live)

-Video Rehearsals (BD Live)

DVD Extras:

-Filmmaker and Cast Commentaries

-Before the Thunder Featurette

-The Hot LZ

-Blowing S#%t Up

-Designing the Thunder

-The Cast of Tropic Thunder

-Rain of Madness

-Dispatches from the Edge of Madness

-Deleted and Extended Scenes

-Alternate Ending

-MTV Movie Awards

-Video Rehearsals

The Extras are really complete, and you never really know if you’re watching the real actor or the actor in the film. It’s a bizarre feeling, but damn funny.

ComicsOnline gives Tropic Thunder on Blu-ray 4 out of 5 all-star wacky predicaments in HD.


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