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Blu-ray Review: Spaceballs the Blu-ray

Get ready for Spaceballs: The Blu-ray!

The classic Mel Brooks Science Fiction parody hits the shelves this month in high definition. Now you can relive the classic misadventure featuring John Candy, Bill Pullman, Rick Moranis, Joan Rivers, Daphne Zuniga, and Mel Brooks himself.

You probably know this classic story but here is a brief recap just incase:
Captain Lone Starr and his trusty sidekick Barf are informed by the nefarious mobster Pizza the Hut that if they don't pay off their debt that they would be dead meat. As fortune might have it, they are sent on a mission by King Roland to save his daughter, Princess Vespa, and her Robot of Honor, Dot Matrix, from the clutches of the Spaceball forces lead by Dark Helmet. If they can save her, King Roland will pay off their debts. On the way, the gang encounters the mystical being known as Frogurt who teaches them the way of the "Schwartz", the substance that connects everything in the universe. Using the "Schwartz", Lone Starr will be able to defeat Dark Helmet and save the planet Druidia from the Spaceballs and their President Skroob. But can they stop Spaceball-One after it transforms into MEGA-MAID? Really this movie is a direct parody of Star Wars with several other science fiction films thrown in for good measure.

Special Features:
-2 disc set includes Full Length Feature Film on Blu-ray (in 1080p) and DVD

-5.1 English Dolby Surround

-Watch the Movie at Ludicrous Speed (Which for some reason is EXTREMELY pixelated. This feature is not as distored on the original DVD release but didnt quite make it as smoothly in the translation process.)

-Audio Commentary by Mel Brooks

-Additional Commentary Tracks in Mawgese and Dinkese

-Spaceballs: The Documentary

-In Conversation: Mel Brooks and Thomas Meehan

-John Candy: Comic Spirit Featurett

-Storyboard- To- Film Comparison

-Film Flubs

-3 Spaceballs Galleries: Behind the Movie, The Costumes, The Art

-Exhibitor Trailer with Mel Brooks Introduction

-Original Theatrical Trailer

-Special Behind the Scenes Footage

It is great seeing this classic film in this new format. This is one of those films that will hold up for generations to come. I really am surprised by the quality of some of the special features however…as it seems like they were really passed over quickly and some quality control issues were missed. The commentaries are fun to watch and the featurettes about John Candy and the Behind the Scenes footage definitely stand out as being highlights.

ComicsOnline gives Spaceballs: The Blu-ray 3 out of 5 chest bursting singing aliens.

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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.