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DVD Review: Kenichi, The Mightiest Disciple. Season One Part Two



"Kenichi, please forgive Apachai for killing you, you seem to die a lot."


A whimppy 16 year old named Kenichi Shirahama has become the disciple of Six Martial Arts Masters at the Ryōzanpaku Dojo. He has much to learn and plenty of help learning it. Of course there is Miu, a beautiful blond bombshell, who also happens to live at the Dojo with her Grandfather, Hayato Furinji the Elder Master and owner of the Dojo. Kenichi has a crush on Miu that tends to get him into trouble. All of the Masters have different fighting techniques and Kenichi is being trained in all of them. They also have a tendency not to show him any mercy.


This two disc set covers episodes 14 through 26. The opening episode is when Kenichi is prompted by the Masters to take the next step and move into the Dojo and get serious about his training. But the real reason he moves in is to get closer to Miu. At least that is what his Chinese Master, Kensei Ma, helps to believe. Within a day he is ready to get out, but is reminded that his Father was very proud of him to take this step toward becoming a man.

The next few episodes each have self contained story lines and all center on Kenichi being put to several test and reluctantly getting to moving toward completing them. They all are hilarious and full of great moments that showcase the solid quality of this series. Episodes 19 through 26 deal with the street gang Ragnarock and their attempt to take down Kenichi and Miu and find that both of these reluctant kids are more than a match for their top fighters. Episode 26 takes a darker turn with the first meeting of Kenichi and Hermit, who is one of the top fighters and is well versed in Chinese fighting styles. Lucky thing for Kenichi, that he also has a great Chinese Master to train him. 


Although the series is a comedy it does present the time honored tail of a young man who cares more about those around him than himself. In this case Kenichi is the Cowardly Lion, but always comes through in the end. The jokes are fast and furious and are well written. The main characters are all very funny and keep the show rolling. You often have to stop and wonder how these goofs ever became Masters, but they end up proving themselves somehow. The animation pushes the boundaries of being a TV PG rating on several occasions. The show is lovely to watch and easy to relax and just have a good laugh with. 

For many viewers they can see themselves in Kenichi and relate to being the average Joe, with no real talent, but the desire to keep going because there is a good reason not to give up. The art is well done and the overall animation is superb for a TV series of this type. The action is average, but this is not about the action, it is about the characters and they are presented in an outstanding manner. I am looking forward to the next offering of Kenichi, The Mightiest Disciple.

ComicsOnline gives Kenichi, The Mightiest Disciple: Season 1 Part 2,  4.5 out of 5 Scary, but Sexy, Weapon Masters.

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