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DVD Review: The Wallflower: The Complete Series

The Wallflower: The Complete Series
is about an epic battle between the scarily awkward Sunako and four beautiful high school boys trying to make Sunako into a respectable lady.  


Sunako is the niece of a very wealthy widow who is letting four high school boys stay at her mansion.  When Sunako's aunt first announces that her niece is coming to stay, she tells the boys that if they can turn Sunako into a lady, then the boys will be free of rent, but if they fail, then it will be 3 times as much rent.  After a very quick discussion the boys agree to this challenge; after all, they are all beautiful and two of them come from wealthy families.  Auntie is pleased, and exits out the window onto a helicopter, before Sunako even shows up.  

The day finally comes for Sunako to arrive, and the boys are waiting for her when a terrifying creature manifests itself from the rose bushes.  It seems to be human, with an ugly yellow skirt with amoebas on it, and a plain, boring shirt.  Yukinojo (the most feminine of the group, he mostly goes by Yuki) is the first to notice that this foul beast is probably Sunako. Almost immediately Sunako is overwhelmed by the boys' radiance.  She refuses help from Yuki and  Ranmaru (the playboy and the richest) with unpacking and with anything where she could use assistance.  This infuriates Kyouhei (the most physical, and the least gentlemanly of all) and he storms into Sunako's room. Then, through a series of short events (which include a lot of yelling), the boys discover that Sunako was called ugly by the boy she had a crush on in middle school.  Takenaga (the bookworm, and the only one with a steady relationship with someone throughout the whole series) warns the others that this task will not be an easy one, after all.


There is a lot a yelling in this series, almost to the point of being painfully annoying.  The most prominent characters are very loud, where Sunako, who is a prominent character, comes across as someone who wouldn't be that way (but, like I said, she is definitely not).  At first, all the characters seem a little flat and predictable, and it isn't until around the middle of the series that they finally get into more depth.  Also around the middle is where the series starts to follow the plot.  This problem could have been fixed by moving around some of the episodes.  

Where the plot is final became strong is where I really got into this series.  It actually became a calmer comedy, which is my favorite type.  There is still yelling, but at this point, it's actually funny, and progresses with the story line.  The story has several twist in the last half, which gave more insight into who the characters really are, thus giving them more dimension and relationships between the characters (besides the obvious one between Takenaga and his girlfriend) finally begin to appear.  I went into this thinking that it would be a romantic/gothic/comedy, but, it really is just a gothic comedy with a hint of dysfunctional relationships.  


In the end, I rushed through the last couple of episodes, like I would with reading a book I liked, anticipating the end.  A high school girl would love this series, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes gothic comedies.


ComicsOnline gives The Wallflower: the Complete Series 3.5 out of 5 Anatomical Dummies.

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