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ComicsOnline’s TV on DVD Gift Guide

Every year the new seasons of your favorite television shows come out on DVD, but occasionally there are special box sets and extra DVD's that are just must-have for any chic geek. Here's a look at some of the best offerings you can pick up this year.

Rome: The Complete Series Blu-ray or DVD (Full review here)
The epic adventure done by HBO and BBC was sadly canceled long before its time, and it may just have a movie on the horizon if everything goes according to plan. Rome takes place in Ancient Rome as Caesar and Pompey fight it out for who gets to be the biggest badass, and there is sex, love, drugs, war, violence, bromance, betrayal, and loyalty. It's convoluted and fascinating and certainly one of the best shows HBO ever brought to the air. Now you can grab both seasons together in a very nice little package, and the Blu-ray version is certainly the best option since this show is visually gorgeous. The show is not just for history buffs and nerds; it's fun and bloody and crazy. Well acted, well written, and creepily accurate to a time that has long since been over. Get this package, you won't regret it.

Lost Season 5Blu-ray or DVD (exclusive video here)
The last season of Lost quickly approaches, everyone, and soon it will be over. What will we do when this epic sci-fi drama is over? I'm going to cry myself to sleep. One way to make everything better is to make sure I have every single season on DVD. Before the sixth season begins in February I intend to do a huge marathon of all Lost to date, and there's no way to do that without the newest (and arguably best) season in stock. This is the season when everyone had to go back to the Island after escaping, when Sawyer became the head of security over the Dharma, where Daniel Faraday finally gave us the worst mommy issues ever instead of daddy issues, and Locke was possessed by … whoever the hell that guy in black is. Give us more Lost now!

Battlestar Galactica: The PlanBlu-ray or DVD (Exclusive interview here)
This story might not have gotten the best reviews, even from the diehard fans, but it is impossible to feel like you have the complete BSG experience if you don't have every season and then this. The Cylons had a plan all along, and now we're going to find out what it is. Will it be satisfying? Probably not, we miss the show too much, but any BSG fan needs this.

Farscape: The Complete Series – on DVD
Come on. This should be a given. Okay fine, Farscape is the chronicle of John Crichton's journey into a wormhole and his adventures with a living space ship with alien BFF's. They put together the complete series for a reasonable price with plenty of extras (episode commentaries galore!) and interviews with the cast. I missed this series when it was on television, and if you're anything like me it's smarter to just get the entire set since you'll be watching it in one epic marathon anyway.

Legend of the Seeker: The Complete First SeasonDVD
Alright, let's face it, you take one of the most popular fantasy series of all times by Terry Goodkind and somehow manage to make it into a television show? This has to be on a geek list, if only out of sheer curiosity. had every episode on it so you could miss the show itself, but I'm just dying with curiosity to see what extras are on this DVD set. Are there any behind-the-scenes clips about the books, and maybe anything from the master of the Sword of Truth series himself? What are their plans for the future? This is just pure geeky goodness, and even if the show isn't incredible, well … it's the thought that counts.

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"Earth-1 Chelsea" lives in Maine where she teaches her father how to play golf and avoid deer ticks. She is too good a writer to play in our sandbox much anymore. *tear*