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SDCC 2010: Saturday Ahoy!

Day three of Comi-Con 2010 was the day I actually managed to get more done, though apparently this year wasn’t my year for panels. I actually managed to get to the convention center early, in time to…get completely rejected from the line for ticketed signings (Rick Riordan, I wanted to meet you so bad!), but I was just in time to make it to the Zombies in Xbox Games panel, which I was pretty psyched about. As a lover of zombies, how could I pass up this panel?
So I got in line forty-five minutes early (the line was surprisingly short, so this was actually a decent amount of time to get in line), got third row aisle seats, and was ready for news on upcoming video games. However, ten minutes before it was supposed to start, someone from the Comic-Con staff announced that the panel had been cancelled due to ‘scheduling conflicts’ with the people who were supposed to be there. What a shame! The only really good thing that came from this panel was a Portal cosplay, complete with Companion Cube.

After disappointedly leaving the panel, my cousin and I decided on plan two: meeting married voice actors Yuri Lowenthal (Afro Samurai, Bleach, Legion of Superheroes, Ben Ten) and Tara Platt (Naruto, Star Ocean, Bleach, Final Fantasy) who were signing in the autograph area. They didn’t have a line, so we were able to walk right up and begin talking to them. And they were more than happy to talk back! As well as signing autographs, they were there to promote their new book, Voice-Over Voice Actor: What It's Like Behind the Mic, which discusses many of the questions voice actors often get asked in panels, such as how to get started in the business, what it’s like, how to audition, and tips on how to appear as a professional during the auditions. And with the two of them being so incredibly friendly, it definitely made up for the lost panel that morning.


Afterward, we managed a few hours of walking around before heading on over to the Dark Horse booth where the creators and two of the colorists of Avatar: The Last Airbender were doing a signing. The line was huge, so there wasn’t any time to ask many questions of them, and what I did manage was a simple, “Are you enjoying Comic-Con?” or “How do you like San Diego?” to which everyone smiled and said they absolutely loved being here. Alright!


To top the day off, we managed to find nerd rapper MC Frontalot rapping away at his booth through his megaphone.

And the rest of the day was filled with pictures of various costumes and anything that happened to catch my fancy.


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