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Blu-ray Review: LOST- The Complete Sixth and Final Season

How do you end one of the most influential and mysterious shows to ever grace the small screen? That's what the writers of Lost were faced with earlier this year when it finally came time to say good bye to our favorite Losties. The final journey of Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Sayid, Hurley, Pesmond (aka Penny and Desmond…and yes I totally ship them) and Ben was at hand and it could have gone horribly wrong, but what followed in the opening moments and continued throughout all season long was the same quality that made this series an amazing standout among TV shows.

Now LOST: The Complete Sixth and Final Season is available on Blu-ray and DVD!


As we left the Losties at the end of season 5, they had just detonated the bomb known as "Jughead" in an attempt to stop what was known as "The Incident" which caused the Swan Hatch to be built and also make it so they had never crashed on the island. We start this season with the results of Jughead going off and seeming to throw our beloved cast into an alternate timeline where Oceanic Flight 815 did not crash. We soon learn that we are also following the Losties back on the island thrown once again across time back into the present of the island.

Episode Highlights:

This season had so many amazing moments, but here are just a few that stand out above the rest.

"LA X"- Our introduction to the Flash Sideways comes during the opening moments of Season 6. The bomb going off in the Season 5 finale didn't have the exact effect that our heroes had hoped, as it seems that two different realities now exist: one where they never landed on the island, and one where they are blasted back to the present! This episode also featured the return of some long LOST friends (couldn't resist).

"Dr. Linus"- What would Ben Linus have been like if he wasn't brought to the island as a child? Would he still have the same distorted moral compass? Check out this amazing episode as we get to see the life of Ben during the flash sideways. This episode features more appearances by past Losties and also features William Alterton (aka Walter Peck from Ghostbusters).

"Ab Aeterno"- For several years now, fans have been wanting to know more about the mysterious Other known as Richard. After a long wait, we are finally treated to an amazing back story that answers questions about his connection to the island, as well as more answers about Jacob, the Four Toed Statue, and the Black Rock!  If you wanted answers, this episode has got them! The biggest difference about this episode and all prior episodes was that it took place primarily in the past and the flashbacks were not spread out throughout the episode.

"Happily Ever After"- Welcome back Brotha! The island isn't through with Desmond Hume just yet! Desmond has always had an interesting connection to the island and time travel, and now more questions will be answered about the nature of the flash sideways. Every Desmond-centric episode has been filled with sincere and touching moments that put them above the rest, and this one is no exception. Can Desmond find a way back to Penny? Can he help his friends survive their encounter with the island? Desmond's new mission starts here!

"The End"- Nothing to see here. Move along. Oh wait, you want to know how LOST ends? Go watch this episode for yourself. This episode had many mixed reviews as people were looking for clearly defined answers to EVERY SINGLE QUESTION. But alas my friends, this episode doesn't have that. Sure it answers a lot, but the show creators were more focused on giving a proper ending to the series than focusing on small questions that they didn't bother to answer earlier. But have no fear! Many of those pesky answers that you were waiting for are actually contained IN THIS SET! Check out "The New Man In Charge" featurette! You would be surprised at how many answers they can cram into 11 minutes.

Special Features:

-LOST in 8:15 – A Crash Course
– This is literally LOST in a nutshell. If you haven't already watched all of LOST before this, you are still going to have trouble keeping up going into the final season. This is a fun recap for old fans as well.

-Commentary Tracks– Episode commentaries featuring Damon Lindelof, Carlton Cuse, Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz, Michael Emerson, Melinda Hsu Taylor, Greggory Nations and Nestor Carbonell.

-"A New Man in Charge" – The most important reason to buy the Blu-ray set of Season 6 is this special feature. This is a special epilogue that didn't air on TV and features Ben and Hurley's adventures following the end of the series. Fans were rather upset that the final season still left many questions unanswered, and the producers decided to put together this featurette to finally give fans what they've been asking for during the series run. As much as I loved this featurette, it also just goes to show that the creators really could have just thrown in these answers at any time. Many people felt very cheated by the show since they didn't take the time to give answers to the MAJOR questions and now those answers come in just one or two sentences. While I understand the need to include extras on DVDs and Blu-rays, I feel that if these answers would have been included as the series went on many people would have been much happier with LOST as a whole.

-Crafting a Final Season – This amazing featurette includes interviews with the cast and crew as they discuss putting together the final episodes of LOST.

-A Hero's Journey -The cast and crew discuss some of the themes of the show and the path the characters have taken throughout the series. What does being a hero mean to these characters? Watch this featurette and find out!

-See You in Another Life, Brotha – One of the new things introduced in the final season was the concept of the flash sideways. The cast and crew discuss this new mode of storytelling and what it meant to the characters.

-LOST on Location -A great behind the scenes featurette about shooting on location.

-Deleted Scenes – A handful of deleted scenes from the final season.

-LOST Bloopers

-LOST University: Master's Program– Blu-ray EXCLUSIVE- Following up on the LOST University program from the Season 5 Blu-ray, this new special feature lets you dive further into the mysteries of the show.

-Season Pass– Blu-ray EXCLUSIVE

-1080p Video

-English 5.1 DTS-HD Audio


When LOST first started, no one would have imagined that this show would have such a satisfying ending (and an answer filled epilogue… or should that be EPIC-logue?). LOST managed to do it with style and class, never being content to do things the same old way.
Viewers became so invested these characters, no matter even if they became boring part way through the series and you wanted to see them die in the most brutal way imaginable, fans still cheered when it came time for the characters to have their epic redeeming moments and cried as they said goodbye to them for the last time.
This is the perfect ending to a genre redefining show. LOST: The Complete Sixth Season is a must see and the Blu-ray is crammed with tons of extras that make being a hardcore fan of the show totally worth it!

ComicsOnline gives LOST: The Complete Sixth and Final Season – 5 out of 5 eyes closing.

Buy LOST: The Complete Sixth and Final Season on Blu-ray at Amazon.

Stay tuned to ComicsOnline for more TV on Blu-ray news and for everything geek pop culture!


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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.