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WonderCon 2011: The Littlest Super Heroes


spiderman, spiderman

When an adult dons a costume to attend an event such as WonderCon, they are fully aware that they will be photographed. Anticipating the onslaught of potentially unflattering photos that will appear online, the costumed folks often prepare with a series of planned poses to use when someone like me asks to take their picture. This results in countless photos of out-of-place action poses framed by sweaty con-goers holding shopping bags.

But when you stick a little kid in a costume bulging with foam pecs, they are more excited to BE the character than to be photographed by others as that character. With eyes wide and mouth agape, these little tiny super heroes swim through the sea of villains, monsters, and merchandise, never realizing that they too are part of the spectacle.

I want to take a moment and share a few of the adorable, overwhelmed, and painfully innocent kids I ran across at WonderCon 2011. 

He works out.

He works out.

Even Wonder Woman gets scared sometimes.

This was pure genius, and will only get funnier when that baby gets older and the sibling fights begin.

Digging for gold in the batcave.

That’s one impressive ‘stache for a kid your age. 

This shy little kid looked amazing in his home-made Tron suit, complete with glowing blue lights and an LED disc on his back. Someday he’s going to look back on this and thank his mom for making him that costume.

Superman was so excited to get new toys that he forgot his super pants!

Pu -Pow!

Refuse to grow up with for more WonderCon Photos and everything geek pop culture!

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