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TV Review: Primeval – Series 5 – Episode 1

Primeval returns to BBC America on Saturday, November 12th! 

It has been a few months since we last saw the ARC team. In the Series 5 premiere, Matt, Abby, Connor, and Becker must face a new threat from an underground creature that is tearing up the city. How can they stop a creature they can’t see? Also, if there haven’t been any anomalies detected, where did this creature come from?

Beware of Spoilers!


Series 5 starts out strong, getting the gang back into action against a new underground and unidentified threat from time. Beside the creature of the week, we learn that Connor has been working with Philip Burton on his secret project: New Dawn. Burton reveals that this project uses energy from the anomalies themselves as power, and could potentially supply the world with a new limitless energy source! Meanwhile, the rest of the team continues to track the new creature, and we find that Matt seems to have a large amount of knowledge about this unidentified creature. When Abby confronts him regarding this knowledge, she is quickly dismissed. Determined to learn the truth, she forces Matt to explain, and we finally get the information that we have been waiting for since Series 4: Matt IS from the future and he is here to stop the dystopian future from occurring. How can he accomplish his goal: STOP NEW DAWN! Will Abby help Matt with his goal? And what role does Connor play in the destruction of life as we know it?

As a big fan of Primeval, I am very excited to see this series return to television. The premiere episode gives us a lot of great action, and keeps fans guessing with some interesting reveals and strong new developments that will easily keep the story going for the remaining episodes. 


Official Episode 1 Description:

An underground creature brings chaos to a city, forcing the team to chase around its streets to track down the movements of this vicious burrowing creature. When the creature strikes for the final time, the team find one of their own in mortal danger and fight to save their life. 

Episode 1 premieres Saturday, November 12, 9:00pm ET/PT.

ComicsOnline gives Primeval – Series 5 – Episode 1– 5 out of 5 time traveling adventures!

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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.