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TV Review: Community “Digital Exploration of Interior Design”

by Kroze Kresky, Media Editor

After first being screened at WonderCon 2012 to thunderous applause, this episode of Community seems to be the beginning of something epic brewing at Greendale. First off, let me get this out of the way and mention Subway’s sudden involvement in the show as of late. For fans of another NBC cult hit Chuck, they know that when the show was having trouble, they were able to get some additional backing from Subway and it seems that Community is trying to do the same thing here, only to a much more hilarious extent.


After Subway moved in to Greendale, taking the place of where Shirley was gonna put her sandwich shop, Shirley and Pierce have been looking for ways to take them down. Turns out that only registered Greendale students are able to own on campus businesses and Subway isn’t a student… OR IS IT? Enter: Subway. A guy who has given over his entire personal identity to represent everything Subway embodies so they can keep their shop in the school. Shirley and Pierce immediately set out to gain some dirt on Subway the human so that the company would disown him and thus wouldn’t be able to have their store on Greendale campus. This was the perfect way to integrate the Subway brand into the show and twisting it to Community’s unique brand of humor. 1984 fans, this is your episode to watch!

The main plot of this episode focuses on the increasingly fracturing relationship between best friends Troy and Abed. At first they set out to build a totally awesome and kickass Pillow Fort together, in an effort to top their previous blanket fort from last season. When Dean Pelton comes around and mentions that this has the possibility to make for a world Record, Troy wants to go for it but wants to go back to using blankets for more distance and faster setup time. Abed on the other hand shrugs off the World Record idea, perfectly content to stick with his pillows. Seeing this as the perfect way to break Troy and Abed apart and get Troy working for him, Vice Dean Laybourne (once again played by comedy legend John Goodman) tries to turn the two friends against each other… referencing their favorite show Inspector Spacetime to do so!

Everything comes to a head when Dean Pelton orders Abed’s pillow fort to come down in order to make way for Troy’s blanket fort so the school can win the world record. A pillow fight ensures and knocks down part of Abed’s pillows… With each side having an army, it looks like all out war is once again about to consume all of Greendale as the episode ends with Abed saying “To Be Continued…” DUN DUN DUNNN!!

“Digital Exploration of Interior Design” is a great episode that finally brings several ongoing character arcs to a head and more importantly, is the first mid season Community two parter we have gotten. Community continues its streak of almost absolute TV comedy perfection!

ComicsOnline gives Community – “Digital Exploration of Interior Design” 5 Inspector Spacetime references out of 5.

Stay tuned to for more Community coverage, and for everything geek pop culture!

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