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WonderCon 2013: “A Newbie’s Perspective” Day 2


by Paige Priddy, Reporter

Today is Day 2 of Wondercon 2013. This morning I set out alone to explore the many, many booths. Where to start, where to start? Honestly, I was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of things there were on the floor. I wanted to buy SOMETHING, but I wasn’t sure what I could buy without breaking my wallet. So, I wandered around alone for a little bit. Sadly, everything I wanted was a liiiiittle bit outside my price range.

I could’ve always wandered over to the comic book booths but since I don’t really read comic books (I’d love to start!) but I didn’t know what to get or what was good or anything. On top of that, there were a TON of comic book vendors, enough to make my head explode if I went through them all. Eventually I found a booth that sold five dollar sketchbooks and other cool art things. I ended up buying $30 worth of art supplies. So much for self-controlled spending habits… I don’t even draw that much.

Despite my lack of funds for buying out the entire convention,  Wondercon 2013 continues to be a very fun and enlightening experience. I didn’t visit many of the panels because there was just too much excitement elsewhere. Hopefully will get to see more of the panels tomorrow. I can’t wait to see what Day 3 has in store for me.

Follow our Newbie’s convention adventure at, and check back for more WonderCon 2013 coverage, and for everything geek pop culture!

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