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Comic Review: Princeless The Pirate Princess #4


by Joe Iconic, Reporter




Join us for the finale of Princeless: The Pirate Princess. Adrienne and Raven are surrounded and outnumbered by pirates ten to one. Will our pair of powerful princesses be able to pound these pesky pirates? Of course they will, but it’s gonna be fun to watch!


Princeless: The Pirate Princess #4 continues the adventures of Princess Adrienne. This story arc ends with an action-filled, give-no-quarter fight on the deck of a pirate ship. Cannonballs and a dragon fly through the air, and Adrienne and the Pirate Princess have their hands full with a ship full of pirates who aim to see them dead!

Princeless: The Pirate Princess #4 starts with background on Raven. This volumes has been excellent in world-building. The early volumes concentrated on letting us fall in love with the characters. However, Adrienne’s and Raven’s fathers are mortal enemies, which will almost certainly led to some additional character conflict in the future between the two allies. Although the exposition is a slow start, the subsequent action and art quickly accelerates the pace. Some really great action scenes dominated this issue. Artists Rosy Higgins and Ted Brandt take advantage of different techniques to brilliantly capture the movement of a battle on deck of a pirate ship.


My daughter really loves it when artists draw the characters transcending the panels, and Princeless: The Pirate Princess #4 has some really great examples of how to use this technique to emphasis action sequences. There’s a reason it’s call “sequential art.”


My only complaint is I missed Bedalia in this arc. Although she simultaneously makes both a cameo and the best laugh out loud movement in this issue, her dwarf sass is missed. As a fan of the many great swords & sorcery comics on the shelves now, I secretly wish for a team up between female dwarf warrior Violet from Rat Queens and Bedalia. After all, Adrienne and a certain unruly dwarf from Skullkickers have already crossed over, so why not? Thankfully, though, Bedalia will come more to play in the next volume. I am looking forward to reading Princeless: Be Yourself #1, which comes out in June.

Princeless The Pirate Princess #4 represents the all-age comic perfectly. This issue is enjoyable for readers of different ages, and is perfect for those who share comics with children. Adrienne remains the embodiment of empowered women in a fantasy setting.   Although highly recommended for ages 8-12, Princeless remains a must-read for every girls of any age who don’t need a prince to rescue them.

Rating: ★★★★½
ComicsOnline gives Princeless: The Pirate Princess   4.5 of 5 swashbuckers.



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Joe is a husband, #girldad, and Orphan of Apollo. He has drawn critters since riding the bus in 5th grade, and they have appeared on notes to loved ones, graffiti in a Latin classroom (sorry Rev. Dr Clark!), training slides for work, a newsletter in Alaska, and notes to his wife Tracy, who encouraged him to share them with the world. Contains pop culture references, stuff from the news, but mostly bad dad jokes.