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TV Recap: The Flash 1×20

The Flash -- "The Trap" -- Image FLA120A_0313 -- Pictured (L-R): Danielle Panabaker as Caitlin Snow, Grant Gustin as Barry Allen and Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon -- Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW -- © 2015 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-At-Large

I know I was very hard on last week’s episode, but I stand by my anger about it. The Flash has been a good show, and I hold it accountable for bad episodes because I know it’s better than that. Luckily this week was so much better. They’re back on track! Probably because they’re not really doing bad guy of the week as much now; with Reverse-Flash out in the open, they can focus on the real problem. I was complaining last week that Wells was being uncharacteristically stupid about not seeing all of them acting weird. I am so thankful that I was wrong and he was aware the whole time. I’m honestly very sad about the thought of him leaving. Yes, he’s the bad guy, and he’ll deserve what he gets. But Wells is consistently one of the most interesting and intelligent characters on the show. He fulfills a really good role here, so it’ll be a gap once he’s gone. I’ve heard rumors people think they might kill Eobard but somehow keep Wells since his memories are all there. I’d be behind that. Previously on The Flash, everyone now knows that Eobard/Wells is the Reverse-Flash. Except Iris of course, who is being kept on the dark for every freaking thing ever. I will be going on a mini-rant about this as per usual, and I have no regrets, I will keep bitching about it until it changes. Cisco started having flashes of memories from when he was murdered that one time, although they haven’t explained why at all. Cisco, Caitlin, and Barry found Eobard’s room and found out that he’s from the future. Dun dun duuuuun.

Barry finds out right away that Gideon, the computer Wells has been using, was created by him. That’s interesting! He also sees that Iris will some day be married to him, since she wrote in that newspaper about his disappearance. I am curious about Eobard’s background, because he’s clearly from a very far future. Say, the 25th century. But he knows Barry very well and the newspaper was only from a few years into the future. I expect at one point Barry jumped into the future, but I’m curious what this all means. I’m looking forward to finding out why Eobard hates Barry so much. In this episode there are flashbacks to during the time when Barry was in a coma, and Eobard talks about how he owes vengeance on Barry. Hmmm. We’ll see why, I guess. What if Barry is basically Hitler to him? Everyone always says what if you could go back in time and kill Hitler. That’s what he attempted to do. Anyway, Barry wants to trap Eobard into a confession so he can get his father out of jail. Uhhh, no one is going to believe that confession, Barry, even if you get it. It makes no logical sense that Dr. Harrison Wells would have fifteen years ago been there and done it. It’s cute/sad you think otherwise. Cisco recognizes his dreams might be memories and Barry tells them he jumped back in the past before, so they know time travel is a big thing now.

TheCW -- © 2015 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved

They decide to go into Cisco’s dreams and learn what it was, basically forcing him to lucid dream. He witnesses his murder again and Eobard’s confession. They decide that the only way to get the confession is by replicating it and having a protection shield around Cisco. As a side story/plot, Eddie wants to propose to Iris but her father says no. Or he doesn’t have his blessing. Seriously. I am going to scream. Her father has no say over who she marries. Her father has no right to do that because he ships Iris and Barry. That is disgusting. The fact he refuses to let her make her own decisions makes me really start disliking Joe. Barry’s awkward because he knows that Iris marries him eventually, at least in that timeline, but he talks to Joe on behalf of Eddie. I really hate that storyline, and the fact they’re still lying to Iris, of course. She figures out on her own however that all the metahumans are tied with the pulse. Because she’s an awesome reporter and a good character and deserves better than what she’s getting. In the end of the episode she’s figured out Barry is the Flash. I do like that she figured it out on her own. Go Iris. See what an asset she can be?

This happens because the Eobard confronting Cisco is really the shapeshifter. How did he know all that stuff about Eobard? How did he have the time to tell him exactly what to say to Cisco? Sometimes the logic in this show is so ridiculous. But Joe shoots “Eobard” before he kills Cisco, and it is revealed Eobard’s been aware of their plans completely. He has cameras everywhere. Good. I love it. He’s brilliant, so I’m glad he proves that. He kidnaps Eddie because he knows they are genetically tied, and also to have control over the others. I’m not sure where this is headed, but I like it. Honestly, I have no idea how this season is going to end. They know the future so it can’t possibly be the exact same. Why does Eobard hate Barry so much? How are they going to stop him? Is this the end of Wells too? What’s the end game? Next week it looks like Grodd is set loose on the city intentionally by Eobard to distract him. I love Grodd so I’m excited to see that. This has been an excellent first season for the show, and they’re accomplishing so much plot in one go. I’m curious where they’re going from here.

Also the implication of the Justice League made me giggle. “Founding member of the ____” Yessss. In the preview it shows that eventually Barry has pals come help him with the Reverse-Flash. He wants to go back and save his mother, but that would change everything that’s happened so far. Hmmm. Good episode all around!

Rating: ★★★★☆
ComicsOnline gives The Flash Season 1 Episode 20 4 out of 5 Founding Members of the Justice League!


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"Earth-1 Chelsea" lives in Maine where she teaches her father how to play golf and avoid deer ticks. She is too good a writer to play in our sandbox much anymore. *tear*