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Advance Review: Arrow – “Green Arrow” (Season Premiere)


by Dakota Jeff, Reporter

Oliver Queen and his friends return for more adventures in tonight’s Season Premiere of Arrow! Following the final battle with Ra’s and the League of Assassins, Oliver has finally found the one thing that he has been lacking for so long: happiness. With his time as the Arrow behind him, and a future with Felicity looking better and better, what threat could possibly bring him back to Starling City?

Spoiler Alert!


Big things happen for Oliver and his friends as we move into Season 4 with the premiere of “Green Arrow”. Team Arrow is busy fighting off the organization known as H.I.V.E., which has been going after high-ranking targets throughout the city (including Captain Lance). While his friends are struggling to fight a losing battle in Starling, Oliver struggles with finding a way to propose to Felicity. Oliver and Felicity’s moment of harmony is unfortunately interrupted when Thea and Laurel make a plea for help, prompting a heroic return to save the day. Ready to assist his friends, Oliver heads back to the city, only to find that going back to the way things were will be extremely difficult.

This episode raises some very important questions about the future of the series: What is going on with Thea? What role does Damien Darhk play with H.I.V.E. and the threats to the city? Can Diggle and Oliver overcome their differences and work together once more? And after all this time, what are the events that lead Oliver to finally taking on the name “The Green Arrow”?


I thoroughly enjoyed the premiere of “Green Arrow”, as it gave us plenty of questions and answered some questions that we had last season. Aside from Oliver’s journey, we also get to see a less moral side of Diggle, and see that maybe Oliver will get to have some moral high ground this season. It seems like Oliver will be embracing a more of a hero stance than vigilante, and hopefully will become more embraced by the city. It’s good to see that the romance between Oliver and Felicity is still strong and we will soon hopefully get a wedding. All in all it was a fun episode and seems to be a little bit lighter then other seasons, and is rather refreshing.

Rating: ★★★★★
ComicsOnline gives Arrow – “Green Arrow” 5 out of 5 exciting ways to kick off a season!

Also be sure to check out “Straight and ARROW”, an original musical tribute to Arrow by our house band Random Gibberish:



ArrowS4Grab your bow and arrow and head out on adventures with, and be sure to check back for more exclusive Arrow interviews, reviews, and everything geek pop culture!

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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.