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Events Interviews

Artist Spotlight: Sarah Wilkinson

(photo by Brian James)

by Albertine Feurer-Young, Reporter

Sarah Wilkinson (photo by Albertine Feurer-Young)
Sarah Wilkinson (photo by Albertine Feurer-Young)


Sarah Wilkinson, sporting the latest Nigel Sade Couture and her new line of jewelry, spoke with us last year about her Doctor Who portraits. Her work is intricate and impeccable and ranges from Star Wars to Doctor Who to incredible images that haunt her mind. She was always drawn to art and discovered her talent in college where she fell in love with illustration. She realized she wanted to become a full time artist and could make a living at it when she got her first professional art job with Star Wars at 19. One of her biggest challenges as a working artist is to remain true to herself while being inspired by other artists. I caught up with her ahead of Comic-Con 2017 this year to see what was new in her world – check it out below.



Sarah spoke to us last year at San Diego Comic-Con 2016 in the video above. Read below for our update!


“Endless” by Sarah Wilkinson
“Haunted” by Sarah Wilkinson

What brings you back to Comic-Con every year?
—Being in Artist Alley, there is a big sense of community there. Everyone is pretty supportive of each other and encouraging of artistic endeavors. The friends I have made who live in San Diego is also a big draw for me.

“Value of Beauty” by Sarah Wilkinson


When was the first Comic-Com you exhibited at?
—2012 was the first year I was in artist alley, though I have attended the show in previous years as a hopeful exhibitor. I had been on a wait list, and I went to the show with all of my artwork, and told them I can fill out a table if someone cancelled. Sure enough someone did not show up and I was allowed to exhibit because I was a currently published artist and was ready with all my stuff.

“On the Wings of Peace” by Sarah Wilkinson

How has Comic-Con changed for you over the years?
—It has changed slightly over the years, artist alley was a bit bigger when I started, and there were a lot of companies that walk through looking for artists to hire. There are slightly less companies walking through. However, I have built a presence, and as a result, a wonderful fan base who come to see me every year.


What impact do you think Comic-Con has had for arts that don’t specifically relate to comics?
—In artist alley, there is a prestige of being there, and people who would not normally get an opportunity to see the artwork and meet the artist can do so. It makes the art accessible.

What impact has Comic-Con had over your work and your success?
—As far as I can tell it hasn’t really had an effect on my subject matter, I have always been on the outskirts of comics, doing a few covers and interior pinups. My main focus has always been the Topps trading cards with the Star Wars license and the fine art oil paintings. And I think it has made me known for Star Wars trading cards and oil paintings, which is a unique mix.

What new art have you been working on?
Any new jewelry? Fashion?
—I have been producing a lot of new artwork lately, I’ve started using a new oil painting technique that is speeding up my process and producing results I love. I have four oil paintings I’m currently working on, based on various subject matter ranging from love to self introspection. We have new pendants with the artwork contained in a tray with a glass top, which are really nice!


“Letting Go” by Sarah Wilkinson


Any new projects in the works?
—Yes, a few new fan art pieces are being worked on currently, I have about five pieces ready to be drawn out. The new oil paintings are also a main focus, I have about 10 ideas that I want to paint this year!

What booth will you be in this year?
—Artist alley table GG-04

What other shows do you attend?
—We do many shows across North America and Europe, for a complete listing check here:

“A Little Off” by Sarah Wilkinson

Any new advice for young artists?

—Do art every day. It will make you a technically skilled artist, you cannot NOT get good at something if you do it every day. Also, I highly recommend going to college or receiving training on the basics, it will save you years of work if you just learn from others who already know. You will develop the tools you need to go far. Also, take chances and be passionate. Don’t be afraid to fail, because you will see failures before successes. And don’t do it to be rich and famous, do it because you love it!

How has art impacted your life?
—Art saved my life. It has kept me sane when I needed someone to talk to, it has helped me connect to perfect strangers and relate on a deep level, and it has been there to help me show my appreciation of my favorite fandoms. It is in every single facet of my life, and has been since before high school!

Any new sources of inspiration?
—Travel inspires me greatly, as well as self introspection. Also, dreams are a big source of inspiration.

Have any new challenges come up?
—Using this new oil painting technique has been a challenge. Learning it and incorporating previous techniques has been very challenging and fun.


To learn more about Sarah, follow these links:

Sarah Wilkinson

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