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Movies Reviews

Movie Review: Marvel Studios’ Captain Marvel

by Emma Smith, Assistant Editor

With great power comes great responsibility. While I’m aware that quote belongs to a different superhero, it is hard to imagine a greater responsibility than carrying the name of the entire cinematic universe. Fortunately if ever there was a superhero who was capable of this feat, it is Captain Marvel


Sometimes a movie comes around that you love so much you aren’t sure if you can be truly objective about it’s quality. This is that movie for me. I have enjoyed the Marvel Cinematic Universe since its inception, but that also means I have spent years watching women appear as the romantic interest, the assistant, the beleaguered relative, the ensemble member with just that little bit less screen time, and maybe the second or third lead. There is something indescribably special about watching a female superhero lead this film. 

But while this movie is historic, it is also just fun to watch. Brie Larson was the perfect choice for Captain Marvel, bringing gravitas and humor as appropriate but adding a bit of cockiness reminiscent of RDJ’s turn as Iron Man. The supporting cast members are also good – in particular Lashana Lynch serves as a needed emotional ground point and Annette Benning is clearly enjoying herself playing double duty as a figure from Marvel’s past and a futuristic artificial intelligence. And while the “cute kid” dynamic can easily go sideways, Akira Akbar sells “Lt. Trouble” aka Marvel’s adopted niece (here’s hoping that character makes a modern day reappearance).

As a classic origin story, it would be easy for the plot to become bogged down in exposition. However, the movie manages to avoid this pitfall because Marvel discovers her history along with the audience. As new pieces are revealed, the movie intercuts between the present and the past without losing the plot’s momentum. The action doesn’t get shorted either, spanning several planets and various disciplines. If you spend superhero movies waiting for the final showdown, rest assured the finale contains both hand to hand combat, some unexpected tentacle fighting, and a spectacular space battle. There is more humor in the film than its trailers suggested, and that combined with the slammin’ 90s soundtrack pays homage to Guardians of the Galaxy. Nick Fury’s love affair with Goose the amazing kitty/flerkin must be seen to be believed. If all of these elements weren’t enough, we also get the MCU introduction of The Skrulls! The shape-shipping threat looms high in this film, and Marvel comes through once again to deliver an iconic version of the classic alien race. 

There is a weakness here, and it is that the CGI used to de-age Nick Fury and Agent Coulson is not as advanced as the filmmakers must have expected when they planned this process. While this technology has improved by leaps and bounds in recent years, the actors look like they are under a Snapchat filter. This is unfortunate given the amount of screen time Samuel L. Jackson has as Nick Fury. Still it is easy to see why this choice was made. Nick Fury was critical to grounding this movie in the larger MCU, and who could possibly play young Samuel L. Jackson but himself?

Overall, Captain Marvel is a solid entry into the MCU cannon and a dream come true for millions of geeky girls. Higher Stronger Faster indeed. 

Rating: ★★★★½
ComicsOnline gives Captain Marvel 4.5 out of 5 Flerkins.
Note: there is both a mid-credit and end credit scene in this one, so don’t bounce after the first one.
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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.