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Comic Book Review: Star Trek #13

by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor

The “Day of Blood” has ended. Captain Benjamin Sisko and the crew of the Theseus managed to save the day…but what comes next? The next arc of the hit Star Trek series from the creative Hivemind of Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly kicks into high gear with the release of IDW Publishing’s Star Trek #13!

Creative Team:
Writer: Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing
Artist: Marcus To
Colorist: Lee Loughridge
Lettering: Clayton Cowles

Image provided by IDW Publishing

Now that the “Day of Blood” is over, Starfleet’s heroes attempt to find a semblance of normalcy. Just when Captain Sisko thinks that he might have a chance to rest after his ordeal, Admiral Janeway comes knocking at his door with a special request. The Tzenkethi Coalition has started building a massive fleet, and Starfleet wants to get some intel on that reptilian species. The Theseus sets out on this special mission (minus a few key crew members who requested reassignment), and they will quickly learn that the Tzenkethi are not to be trifled with. Also, who is the mystery contact that they are planning to meet on the surface? Find out in Part 1 of “A Savage World of Glass and Bone!”

The creative team continues their thrilling exploration of the Star Trek universe with the launch of this new arc. Jackson and Collin do love their deep cuts, and the Tzenkethi Coalition are a pretty fantastic choice for this next chapter. Seriously though, it’s space dinosaurs! Who wouldn’t be excited by this?! Plus, we get lots of Voyager love with Admiral Janeway and former Ensign (now Lieutenant) Harry Kim! Harry and Tom are finally reunited, but an important question is posed: if Harry is here…who is babysitting? We also get to learn more about the Sato family tree, as well as their tragic connection to the Tzenkethi Coalition. 

From an art perspective, To and Loughridge provide readers with another stellar issue. Every page captures the wonder and vivid imagery that we have come to expect with IDW’s Trek books. The Voyager characters had spectacular entrances, making their inclusion that much more exciting. Did I mention the space dinosaurs? Because they look ridiculously fun. They only appear on one page, and I’m absolutely ready for more. 

Rating: ★★★★★
ComicsOnline gives Star Trek #13 – 5/5 bold directions for the third arc. 

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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.