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Comic Book Review: Blue Beetle #9

by Tony Rhea, Reporter

Jaime Reyes may not have reached the top of his potential, but this week in Blue Beetle #9, he will reach the Pinnacle (cue the “ba-dum-cha” on the drums, you know, for the joke).

Image provided by DC

Official Description:
MEET VICTORIA KORD’S NEW SUPERHERO! Victoria Kord’s new superhero is giving Jaime a run for his money! Just what is Victoria planning, and can the Blue Beetle survive?

Creative team is Josh Trujillo writing, art by Adrián Gutiérrez, colors by Wil Quintana, and letters by Lucas Gattoni.

Pinnacle has risen, and so has the tension. Jaime questions Victoria about her motivations with the creation of Pinnacle and the status of Nol-Dar. Unsatisfied by her answers, he rushes to find Brenda and Paco. Brenda reveals why she has been working with Victoria, and more about the development of her new project. Victoria decides to save her reputation by destroying pinnacle, revealing the mangled form of Nol-Dar, which Brenda takes. Delivering it to Jaime is no easy task, as she is quickly discovered and pursued by Victoria’s drones. While Victoria encounters an unexpected guest, Jaime discovers an unconscious Brenda, but no beetle in sight. Unfortunately for Jaime, Khaji can’t sense Nol-Dar, but that may be because Nol-Dar isn’t Nol-Dar anymore.

It saddens me that Trujillo’s run on Blue Beetle will be coming to an end, but what an exciting end he’s setting up. Blue Beetle #9 definitely feels like the opening of the third act, as the various threads that accompanied the story of the Blood Beetle come together. Victoria’s attempt at helping Palmera city is most likely going to become it’s greatest threat, and Trujillo brings this to bear while Jaime is at a low-point with Khaji. The build-up to this moment has been executed very well by Trujillo, and it Jaime will have to work through his personal issues with Khaji in order to have a chance of facing this new threat. Trujillo’s Blue Beetle is the best that Blue Beetle has been!

Blue Beetle #9 is gorgeous to boot! Oozing with color and personality, Gutiérrez and Quintana deliver on amazing visuals and dynamic presentation. Everything just pops, and it’s as exciting to look at as it is excellent to read. There is a lot of detail in every panel, and there were quite a few panels that left me very impressed.

Blue Beetle #9 is an issue that simply shouldn’t be missed, and sets up what is sure to be a dynamic conclusion to this flawless series.

Rating: ★★★★★
ComicsOnline gives Blue Beetle #9 – 5 out of 5 mangled beetles!

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